Into The White Light: Front Cover.
Order your autographed paperback. Order the ebook from Scribd. Read testimonials about the book. Front Cover. Table of Contents. Introduction. (Free Preview) Chapter 1. (Free Preview) Back Cover.
Order your autographed paperback. Order the ebook from Scribd. Read testimonials about the book. Front Cover. Table of Contents. Introduction. (Free Preview) Chapter 1. (Free Preview) Back Cover.
Kelly Hampton, copyright 2007, ISBN 978-0-615-15887-7, 136 pages. 6 x 9 paperback,eBook. All rights reserved. Compelling and inspirational, it is a book that will change your life. “The most significant spiritual book since Conversations with God.“ Order your autographed paperback. Order the ebook from Scribd. Read testimonials about the book Front Cover Table of Contents. Introduction […]
Preview. Near my twenty-first birthday, an amazing thing happened. I was awakened one night with an event, which I now know as an out-of-body experience. I was awakened by the words of my mother who told me not to worry for she was in a good and holy place. She told me that we would […]
Preview of Chapter 1: Since the Beginning Archangel Michael interprets the creation, the fall, and the resurrection of Jesus, while acknowledging other spiritual Masters like Buddha and Allah. He discusses the meaning of divine guidance and examines the purpose of registers, which are written documents that exist for each human being’s reincarnations. He speaks […]