Kelly Hampton Energy Healer

What are Starcodes and How Can You Use Them to Heal?

Kelly Hampton starcode energy healing

[FREE WEBINAR REPLAY + SPECIAL BONUS OFFER] Kelly’s recent appearance on the Wisdom of the Ancients Global Online Summit is available as a FREE replay from August 6th through August 15th. You can listen to the replay here.

And, as an extra special bonus, Kelly is offering 3 healing program options at an exclusive discount rate. Read more about the offer (and access the replay) here.

If I told you that healing—true, authentic, transformative healing— is as simple as listening to the stars, Kelly Hampton, Archangel Michael, starcodes and energy healingwhat would you say? I’m pretty sure it would be something close to, “tell me more!”

Well here’s the thing: it IS that simple. Harmonic starcodes, the language of the stars, are the key to overcoming all kinds of physical, mental, and emotional illnesses.

But what are starcodes? And how can you use them for your own healing? You can find the answers to both of these questions by listening to the words of Archangel Michael.

Archangel Michael on Starcodes and Energy Healing

“For those of you who are new to harmonic starcodes, they are a powerful yet simple way for every man, woman and child to exercise your living, breathing right to heal.

Starcodes are a way to heal.

It’s that simple. Harmonic codes may be numbers, they may be complex sacred geometric forms, they may be color, and harmonic codes can also be toning or sound codes.

Everything is highly charged.

  • Starcodes are charged not only from the vessel that is providing the information to you (in this case, Kelly)
  • Starcodes are charged from the numbers themselves
  • Starcodes are charged by the sources;
  • Starcodes are charged by many different things.

For those of you who have not done any type of energy healing work, we ourselves feel it would be best to try one number series a day, For example:

  • See if you feel any effects from the starcodes yourself.
  • Be moderate. It may seem simple, or you may even disbelieve the information presented here. You may feel as though you can certainly do these starcodes multiple times (the ‘more is better’ sort of thinking). But we are asking you not to do this.
  • We are asking you to think about, as we say, one starcode a day, or one starcode a week, or one starcode a month as it moves you. But the point is not multiple codes in one day.

Is this clear? Not that anything about the starcodes can harm you, but there are reasons behind all infinite wisdom, and we would rather make sure there is integration within your energy fields based on what is being presented here.”

Archangel Michael

What Can Starcodes Be Used For?

Starcodes are a form of light language everyone can safely use.

There are starcodes for:

  • physical conditions
  • emotional issues
  • transforming viruses in the human and animal bodies
  • connecting with interstellar galaxies
  • going easier and deeper into meditative states
  • minimizing (or completely correcting) EMF’S.

Some individuals will benefit from the use of multiple starcodes (since there is almost always an emotional component to physical illnesses), meaning that—depending on the severity of a person’s conditions—multiple starcodes may be necessary.

“You may state that some individuals will benefit from healing starcodes alone, while others will need a direct connection to Source through Star Healing Intergalactic EnergyTM levels 1 and 2.”—Archangel Michael

Each of you may not feel them, see them, or even fully understand them, but starcodes are the wave of the future in many ways, providing easy access to dozens and dozens of Star Races. Light language itself keeps expanding, of course, with more Star Races pouring more of their languages to earth. The study of sacred geometry is also expanding as the forms themselves are being upgraded. Everything is being upgraded whether you can see this or not.

[FREE WEBINAR REPLAY + SPECIAL BONUS OFFER] Kelly’s recent appearance on the Wisdom of the Ancients Global Online Summit is available as a FREE replay from August 6th through August 15th. You can listen to the replay here.

And, as an extra special bonus, Kelly is offering 3 healing program options at an exclusive discount rate. Read more about the offer (and access the replay) here.

How Can You Harness the Healing and Transformative Powers of Starcodes?

Kelly Hampton starcode accessoriesThere are multiple ways to use harmonic starcodes in your life.

A person may write the code down on paper and keep it near their energy fields while stating the intention for the specific code. A person may choose to write the code energetically in their mind in front of them as it will be in their energy field.

And many people are also drawn to wearing custom made StarCode Accessories, created by Kelly Hampton.

StarCode Accessories are a line of custom created jewelry and accessory items for women, men, and dogs and cats.

Will a person have toxic release symptoms after using a code as in traditional healing?

Yes, they may. Drinking plenty of water will aid in the toxins being released. These are energetically charged light language segments and should be treated as such. Not all souls will experience releases that they are aware of. About half will and half will not.

Are some people able to use a star code for the same condition more than once?

woman wearing Kelly Hamton starcode acccessory earringsYes, some individuals who are working with energies and have experienced levels of energetic healing may find that they are “accustomed” to the changes in energy vibration. These individuals may use the same code up to 3 x’s a day by writing them, or wearing them, or verbally stating them and setting the intention to either heal or expand.

Is it important to know what Star Nations the various star codes originate from?

From the standpoint of healing, no; though some will find it interesting. These codes are infused with light energies from various Star Nations. They have been on your planet for years and years and years, though not always sourced. Go forth with a willingness to embrace the “new” and extend yourselves to the richness of the multi-universes. —Archangel Michael

So what are you waiting for? You can access the power of starcodes directly through Kelly Hampton’s line of custom made StarCode Accessories.

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