Register Today for Both Live Call Replays & Immerse Yourself in the Energies of St. Michael's Mount,
Stonehenge, The Tor, Merlin's Cave & More!

Welcome to my continuing series of virtual retreats!
Would you love to experience the next best thing to traveling to this sacred spot in person? Well, now you can! I invite you to join me in one or both inspiring virtual retreat group replays to the UK. (Each replay is 2 hours) where you will be immersed in the alchemy from my previous live retreats from 2018 and 2019.
You are invited to enroll in either one or both of them for greater savings.

Call one replay will include alchemic lessons and retreat photos that we learned while visiting St. Michael’s Mount in Penzance along with alchemy from Merlin’s Cave in Tintagel and St. Germaine, including healing souls and restoring grids.
The second replay focuses on our transformational experiences related to Glastonbury including work and insights at the Tor, infamous Stonehenge, the Holy Thorn Tree, the Chalice Well, and more.
Are you a grid keeper? Would you like to work and understand the Apollo Line of Archangel Michael?
Would you love to be in the company of like-minded souls and receive divine inspiration and alchemy?
I have been blessed with so much divine guidance from the Ascended Masters, angelic, elemental and intergalactic realms during these sacred pilgrimages that I would love to share some of it with you!
The replay link from my live calls begin with a blessing or process led by Archangel Michael, Christ, or Mary Magdalene as they were major guides during these pilgrimages, along with St. Germain.

Would you believe this exercise facilitated time travel?
I was joined on both retreats by my assistant in England who has accompanied me on these retreats, who will add her additional insights. You will also see original photos to heighten your experience. You will hear live channeling on the call also. The lessons of alchemy will be relevant, across all time and space, and I hope that you will find my entire series of virtual retreats the next best thing to being there in person. Cheers!
Your fee to participate in one call is $57 when paid by August 10th, 2024.
If you choose to participate in both virtual retreats and register by August 10th, your special fee will be $99. After that, each class will be $66 USD. Payment is preferred via my Venmo account which you can access by entering my email. Or you may choose to register through Paypal.