Kelly Hampton | Energy Healer

Become a certified Star Healing practitioner with this convenient online course.

Wherever you are on the planet, you can become a certified Star Healing Intergalactic Energy™ practitioner.

Kelly Hampton  certifies every Star Healing practitioner herself, with personal attention and loving care, whether you’re in her home state of Missouri, USA or the farthest reaches of Asia.

Wherever you are in the world, you can learn Star Healing, personally and directly from Kelly.

She can teach you in person, over the phone, over live chat or on Skype – you choose. Right now, there are certified practitioners in the following countries:

  • USA,
  • Australia,
  • Germany,
  • U.K.,
  • South Africa.

All around the world, people are in pain and begging to be healed.

This powerful new modality heals people on a molecular level. So their physical, emotional and spiritual pain – even their existential pain – goes away and stays away for good. And since it’s people who are in pain who lash out at others and at the world, we do our part for the world when we bring people to peace within themselves.

So whether you’re looking for a full- or part-time career in the healing arts, or you just want to add a powerful new modality to your current chiropractic, reiki, massage-therapy or other practice, you owe it to yourself and your clients to take this course now. We’d say you even owe it to your country and the world.

Expand your existing practice in the comfort of your own home, on your own schedule.

If travel or other logistics have kept you away from Kelly’s workshops and lectures in the past, this course is a perfect opportunity for you to get into the work of Star Healing one-on-one with me and Archangel Michael. And, of course, you’ll become a certified Star Healing Intergalactic Energy™ practitioner.

“You may continue to read an old textbook (an old form of healing) or pick up a new one. I invite you to pick up the new one.”–Archangel Michael to Kelly Hampton, 2010.

Prerequisite: Before launching into your certification program either online or in person, you must buy and read 2012 AND BEYOND: THE TRUTH FROM ARCHANGEL MICHAEL, by Kelly Hampton, Balboa Press. Also, prior healing experience is required.

This course is Level 1.


  • Star Healing Intergalactic Energy™ Ascension Energy attunement
  • Star Healing Intergalactic Energy ™ Course Handbook
  • Full support & tutorship via email , Skype or telephone, with teleseminars/webcasts scheduled to answer questions and provide support for up to 3 months after certification.
  • Star Healing Intergalactic Energy ™ Practitioner Certificate at completion

Course details: sequence of learning.

Complete Star Healing Intergalactic Energy™ Ascension Attunement.

The 60-75 min. private Ascension Attunement/healing is a required session that attunes your DNA to Star Healing Intergalactic Energy™ . We can do this remotely – over the phone or on Skype – or in person at one of Kelly’s events.

On general principles, you’ll want to add Kelly to your Skype account: kelly.a.hampton, U.S. You’ll be using it a fair amount.

Star Healing Intergalactic Energy ™  Course Handbook.

This handbook will teach you:

  • the hand and body positions,
  • list of approved crystals and gems for giving this modality and their power, as well as
  • all of the symbols of Level 1
  • and how to use them.

All material is protected by copyright and confidential. As the valuable intellectual property of Healing Enterprises, LLC, sharing of the information therein in any form is prohibited. Substantial civil and criminal penalties apply.

Assignments, Lessons, Exam & Case Studies.

This course isn’t just a bunch of theory and esoterica. Instead, you’ll get active hands-on participation. Included throughout are lessons and assignments that will bring you closer to your true spiritual nature and enable you to practice Star Healing Intergalactic Energy™  with great success.

You’ll need actual practice on 8 volunteers, or 8 hours with online reporting, before you can fully reach certified practitioner status.

When you do, you’ll receive your personal certificate to give Star Healing Intergalactic Energy™, bearing Kelly’s official signature.

You should follow the online course at your own pace, though there is a 3-month time period from the start of your course enrollment to continue receiving online support.

Many are completing the online program in as little as two to three weeks.


Once you turn in all of your completed online reporting assignments or lesson reports/case studies, you will receive your personalized Star Healing Intergalactic Energy™ certificate of completion, suitable for framing, to demonstrate your level of achievement.

There is no licensing of Star Healing Intergalactic Energy™, so this certificate is the highest possible achievement for a practitioner.

Once you’re certified, we can link you to several healing organizations – including the International Natural Healers Association. You’ll be eligible to join those organizations on your own – any dues will be your responsibility.

Course financing.

If paying your course fee is a hardship, Healing Enterprises LLC will make every attempt to arrange payment options to help you become a certified practitioner. Please email directly for special circumstance consideration.

We’ve also instituted a two-payment plan for the convenience of anyone who’d like to use it – please note that using that plan does raise the cost of the course by a nominal amount.

After graduation: Next steps.

Once you’re a certified Star Healing Intergalactic Energy™ practitioner, Healing Enterprises LLC will continue to offer marketing support on Facebook and with other social-media efforts, so we can maintain the integrity of this healing modality; as the angel has said, “IT IS NOT TO BE BLENDED WITH ANY OTHER HEALING MODALITY.”

As well, we offer private mentoring or practitioner refresher/retake sessions with Kelly. They’re for certified practitioners only, so you know the

Please note: Healing Enterprises, LLC has instituted a payment plan for those interested who are unable to make the full advance fee payment at the start of the course certification and a hardship plan in an effort to not deny anyone who might be drawn to this modality. Please message Kelly for further information.

Note: Kelly Hampton d/b/a Healing Enterprises LLC is the only practitioner certified to conduct Star Healing Intergalactic Energy™ workshops and lectures or Intergalactic Star Kids training.

*Please note: There is a one-time, first-year annual re-certification feeof $75USD payable one year from your certification, required to maintain your eligibility to keep practicing as an approved Star Healing Intergalactic Energy™ Certified Practitioner/Seminar Facilitator (if enrolled) along with proof of a minimum of 8 clients being served during this year period. A copy of your client intake form or email addresses/testimonials from a minimum of 8 clients is required as proof per Archangel Michael. This will help insure the integrity of this amazing NEW AND PROFOUND healing modality from the Pleiadians/Star Galaxy. See certification renewal in store here.

Subscribe to my newsletter and receive periodic program discount information along with current information on upcoming events, channelings and more!


The Practitioner Mentoring Course, sometimes referred to as Journey 5 by Archangel Michael is a course (in person or remote) that provides you with personalized instruction in multiple areas designed to develop your skills to assist in seminars and workshops, mentor individuals and small groups of new practitioners in the practical aspects of Star Healing Intergalactic Energy ™. Graduates of the program are also able to hold their own small refresher classes and give business development talks to pre-approved audiences, pre-approved topics.

Course Description.

Topics covered in this course include: Healing, Philosophy, Mechanics, Teaching Assistant responsibilities, criteria for choosing assistants for seminars, coaching standards and fee structures, correct coaching techniques, guidelines for refresher classes, and guidelines for approved business development talks of varying lengths. A passing evaluation will grant you advanced practitioner status and qualify you as a Coach/Mentor/Assistant for a period of 12 months.

The primary emphasis of the Practitioner Mentoring Course is to coach you to higher levels of performance and ease with the work. As part of that process, on Day 2 of the course, evaluations will be conducted to allow the chance to provide you with an individualized learning and growth plan.

Each attendee will receive a preliminary evaluation with feedback and suggestions for improvement in areas, which may require additional focus. Final evaluations will be shared approximately 1-3 weeks after completion of the course. Practitioner Mentor status will be conferred only when all areas of performance meet course standards and after attendees have demonstrated their proficiency at our seminars.

Practitioner Mentoring status is valid for 12 months. All Practitioner Mentors are also considered Certified Practitioners. After the 12-month period has lapsed, you may renew your status either by taking the Practitioner Refresher Course or being a co-sponsor for one of the upcoming seminars.

A pre-course packet will be sent to each attendee that will contain material you will be expected to review and learn prior to attending the course.

Course Prerequisites

  1. Successful completion of Star Healing Intergalactic Energy ™ Rank I.
  2. Six months of active practice after successful completion of Rank I.
  3. Read, own and be able to discuss 2012 and Beyond: The Truth from Archangel Michael by Kelly Hampton.
  4. Submission of a written statement detailing how Star Healing Intergalactic Energy ™ has affected your life since first completing Rank I.
  5. Submission in writing of 3 healing stories or testimonials — either your own healing or healings you have facilitated.
  6. Thorough understanding of the philosophy of Star Healing Intergalactic Energy ™ and ease in addressing the material
  7. 25 verified Star Healing Intergalactic Energy ™ sessions.

Note to studying and certified practitioners: As you know, one of the things you need with a professional practice is making sure that you have services to run and protect your practice. Liability insurance is one of those necessary items.

Course fees.

$800USD full payment.

Installments: Deposit, $532USD, second payment $300USD.

Advanced Course:


Refresher Course for Certified Practitioners.
