Kelly Hampton | Energy Healer

Sedona Walk

Heartwalk, Sedona Arizona

June 28.

6-:00-7:30 PST:

Intro to Star Healing, Heartwalk.

June 29.

10 am -4 pm.

Private sessions.

Private healings, private readings, book signing arranged at Heartwalk.

July 1.

Sedona Creative Life Center.

2-3:30 pm CST.

Introduction to Star Healing, Gallery channeling.

$20 at the door, or save $5 – just $15 when you reserve ahead with Kelly.

Head to PayPal now and send your payment of $15 to – be sure to note that it’s for the Star Healing event in Sedona on July 1.

Want to know more?

Get more information here at the Sedona Creative Life Center.

Venue contact information.

Sedona Creative Life Center
1456 Hwy. 179 Sedona, AZ 86336
For more information: 928-204-5589.