Kelly Hampton | Energy Healer

Jesus tells Kelly Hampton: “I am not Lord …”

Channeled message from Jesus to Kelly Hampton, April 6, 2012:


Kelly: Jesus, holy master, what can you share with us today, this day?

Do not take offense at what I will offer. My truth may not be your truths. My words may not be your words, but nevertheless I have been summoned to counsel and counsel I will.

I am humbled by many of the good and kind deeds that I witness in your world today. I am struck by the sincerity of those from all walks of life who are extending their hands to one another as brother. I am forever exalted by many of you, though I ask for none of this. I am but a humble servant. A servant of the Lord God/Infinite Mind.

I am not Lord as I am often called.

I find truth in the eyes of a child. I find truth in the eyes of the elderly. I find truth in the eyes of the animal kingdom and those whose lives serve it. I know that many of you may be wondering, how is this possible that a holy master can communicate with someone on the earth plane. Some of you may find this quite ordinary.

It makes no difference where your thoughts lie. It is simple fact. That each of you contains soul sparks of me.

Allow me to resonate that energy again, dear ones–

Each of you contains soul sparks of me.


Is there a message for humanity, Jesus, especially about 2012 and the spiritual shift or about what is told in many writing of your rising from the tomb?

I can speak to more lightworkers on the earth plane than existed a hundred, two hundred, three hundred years ago.

It is not simply because more are being awakened to truth, but also because more are being allowed to be awakened.

Many in your plane of existence have been masked in many untruths. One of them was to diminish your inner light so that your connection from source was extinguished, diminished or otherwise, amputated. This is simply not the way any longer! Hallelujah.

Before long, the seemingly impossible will be possible. The inhumane will be humane. Those without love of self or others will have it.

Hallelujah in the highest.

No matter by what name you may call upon me, know that I am but one way to divine consciousness – but one way.

Each of you will be becoming more Christlike … lovelike, divinelike, with each passing second of each passing day.


Do not be afraid of this awakening. Rejoice! Rejoice! Rejoice! It was your’s from the beginning of time!

Rather I say, then rejoice soly in my resurrection, I ask you to rejoice in the knowing that your time is NOW.

Embrace your sons, daughters, brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, cousins, neighbors, strangers and tell them this news:

That there is another day when the second Messiah is coming – and that time is NOW! Then tell them, that Jesus instructed: You are the messiahs of this new world. You, my friends.

Peace, Shalom.
