Kelly Hampton Energy Healer

Intergalactic Star Kids® Classes

Intergalactic Star Kids(R) Classes allow children to access and use the new higher healing frequencies of Star Healing Intergalactic EnergyTM in their everyday lives. As Archangel Michael revealed to Kelly, "The children know this system like they know their names."

What ages of children may enroll in the class?

"Let them come by the droves. They will know if they are ready to be home, come home, experience their true powers and abilities as children of a higher vibration! It will be wise and advised to get parental permission for all, beginning with age 5 and understanding that a permission form will be required with enrollment in the children’s course unless the souls are over the ages of 18. " AAMichael–

Can I host an Intergalactic Star Kidsclass?

Yes! Of course. If you would like to host a class in your area, please contact Kelly or her staff to see what arrangements can be made. A minimum class enrollment is required to teach this amazing and powerful healing system from Archangel Michael to your Star Children, including the Indigos, Rainbow Children, Atlantean, Crystalline and the Diamond Children (when they arrive). To host this kids-only training workshop in your home, healing center, massage school or spiritual retreat, contact Kelly’s office at or skype kelly at kelly.a.hampton.

When and where will the next Intergalactic Star Kids class happen?

Please check back for the most current schedule.

What if my child has disabilities?

AAMichael, "What soul does not have some form of disability?" Every effort will be made to accommodate your child(ren).

What is the cost?

$45.00USD per child.

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