Kelly Hampton Energy Healer

A deep healing on the molecular level

Star Healing Intergalactic EnergyTM. Powerful healing on a molecular level

As channeled from Archangel Michael, this  ground-breaking form of healing is appropriate for the global shift in consciousness that has begun and will be accelerating through 2012 and beyond – what Archangel Michael calls  the Ascension.

As human beings, we will go through a vibrational shift that will take us closer to the fifth dimension. Many are experiencing it now. Star Healing Intergalactic Energy uses sound healing, 19 energetic techniques, 3 sacred symbols from Archangel Michael, two oils and stones and crystals to heal both the energetic and physical bodies at a molecular level. This means that benefits will continue to come to a person for decades into the future…”like the sifting of flour over time,” Archangel Michael.

AAMICHAEL: “I reside in the 5th dimension primarily, but also the 6th, 7th, 8th, and 9th.”

Star Healing Intergalactic Energy takes you closer vibrationally to those dimensions –  to Angelic frequencies and restores you to the love vibration. “Where there is peace and calm you cannot have illness in your body.”

Here is a partial list of the healing benefits of Star Healing Intergalactic Energy:

  • Anxieties, fears and phobias,
  • Smoking, alcohol and food addictions,
  • Chronic pain, arthritis, migraines and other debilitating pain conditions,
  • Kidney stones, cysts, lumps – both diagnosed and undiagnosed
  • Cancers
  • And a host of conditions across the known and unknown medical spectrum.

This is just a partial listing.

For a full reporting – in their own words – from people who have already experienced this powerful healing. and who have every reason to expect their healing to be permanent, check out their stories here.

Over and over again, you’ll hear how their outlooks have changed because their pain is gone – instantly and forever.

International affiliations.

Kelly is affiliated with a number of the most respected such associations in the world:

  • International Natural Healers Association
  • Rhode Island Holistic Healers Association
  • Healing International
  • World Metaphysical Association

Experience deep molecular healing for yourself.

Schedule a Star Healing session now.

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