Kelly Hampton Energy Healer

From Mt. Shasta to Big Foot’s Home

Day 3 August 8 2013. What are my lessons learned so far? Expect the unexpected, lesson #1. Lesson #2, detach from the outcome. Lesson #3 Don’t promise what you can’t deliver (ala daily blog posts chuckle, chuckle; even with well meaning intentions there has been hardly any cell service in certain areas of Mother Gaia’s majesty (and I am now home); lesson #5 re-presented–the lesson of gratitude while in Crescent City CA particularly, and lesson # 6, darkness still does exist in the world. (unseen spiritual battle of light versus darkness Archangel Michael teaches particularly in his book 2012 and Beyond: The Truth from Archangel Michael). So friends, several “days” of my well intended daily blogging about my spiritual adventures will be sort of all rolled together like a giant snowball.All is in divine order.

What has been one of my unexpected surprises? Initiations from people I have never met to come meet them or stay at their houses while I am out here in the Old Wild West.  Know that it moves me for your extended acts of kindness!

Today Archangel Michael had Gwendolyn, Jerry and I working spiritually very hard.  It began with a re-visitation to Mt. Shasta to learn new angelic wisdom from him and then implement it. First we were guided to go to the headwaters of the Sacramento River also known as City Park, Mt. Shasta Springs where he asked us (3 being a highly significant number representing the Trinity, for one) to use crystal bowl frequency for healing and then do group toning to help move the trapped fairies and other elementals over to Mt. Shasta . We did this partially by sitting upon the earth and positioning ourselves as we were guided, in a triangular shape and with heads lowered which allowed the light which flowed from the tops of our heads (as it does   everyone’s) to touch. “Two columns of light are more powerful than one,” he has said many, many times to many, many people.  And we did, with happy hearts.

All three of us were chosen he said for this last minute mission. (for those that joined this blogging late)Angels and Spirit move obstacles out of the way! Yes, they do! I made my plans about a week previously due to a variety of circumstances although Archangel Michael has lovingly commanded to go to one of his homes before–most recently to videostream his guidance on 12-12 and 12-21 2012. Gwendolyn, just happened to be at Mt. Shasta on a separate retreat and Jerry, whom I had met earlier in Los Angeles at an expo had an open week. He had already been  a servant of Michael’s and other holy beings, including Mother Mary. Last year, during a consultation with me, Archangel Michael asked Jerry to go on a different spiritual light mission to Cape Canaveral and he did;  Happily driving on faith mainly and my channeled  guidance from AAMichael from CA to Florida. Once there, Archangel Michael instructed him to use his rainbow energy (a dome) along with 5 crystals rings as instructed by Michael over this dome for healing, along with wielding Michael’s sword of love and kindness and energetically present 5 circles of white crystals and  to the area to dispel low energies blocking space exploration emanating from underground tunnels in that area. So Jerry knew what he was signing up for one some level, when he agreed to not only chauffeur me around during this 5 day spiritual mission, and in fact, was eagerly anticipating being open to wherever spirit lead him.