Kelly Hampton Energy Healer

Star Healing Intergalactic Energy Healer Certification Course

I am so grateful that Archangel Michael’s Star Healing system speaks to you. Please take a moment to read the following information to help you prepare. (I’ve attached some additional information about these Ascension systems as well). The client intake form does need to be completed and returned prior to your healing session–scan it if doable, use google documents or type the required info into the body of an email please and return it.

If your package included any channeling time, we will conduct that first, which you may choose to record. Questions are best for you when coming to this guided time together.

Recording of your healing however is prohibited. Everyone is sent follow up notes to remind you how to get involved in some important healing tools.

Star Healing may be given up to 3x’s (that’s 3, 60 ish minute sessions) for the same set of conditions each subsequent session elevated over this one.

However, if someone is infirmed by age or illness, has abuse history, is living in a highly toxic home environment we will be arranging 2, 30 min. sessions with a space in-betweens for the release phase.

What are some of the typical reasons you may seek or need to seek another elevated session per Archangel Michael?



 Toxic home spaces



Know that any advancing session is energetically elevated over the previous one. Also, some souls return to Star Healing to get key codes, time travel, feel complete bliss, and further open channels with very little if any, body or mind ailments. Star Healing Intergalactic EnergyTM may be given up to 3’xs for the same set of conditions. A second session may be given 3/12 weeks after a first attunement.

Also, you will have greatest healing benefit if you also use Michael’s Ascended Spaces system for creating abundance and detoxifying your home/office and involve yourself in the 2 other healing tools which will be shared during your session. However, it is not mandated that it be done prior to your healing session. Ask me for more information or it may be found at


I ask that no pets (if possible…they have their own similar healing) or other people be in the same room during your Star Healing session and that we are able to hear each other as this is NOT a silent form of healing. You may sit comfortably in a chair during your session or be lying down.

We ask that no one has additional powerful stones or gems on your body. You may wish to have a blanket handy and may want to use an eye pillow and close your eyes.

You may choose to play clear quartz crystal sound during your session as it will elevate your space.

Recording of your healing is prohibited.

Toxic releases may occur including temporary fatigue, a mild headache, being more emotional, vivid dreams, sometimes something can worsen in the body as it releases. You will be advised to drink plenty of water to minimize any effects for 4 days mini or until they are gone.

This will be explained more thoroughly in our time together. However, when scheduling, we advise not scheduling a Star Healing when an important event, long drive or other busy, unusual situation presents itself immediately after.  (or for your pet if redeeming an equine or small animal star healing).

Once we confirm your apt. kindly ring my land line or use skype when outside of the USA

I welcome testimonials at all times via email, so kindly consider sharing with me so we can continue to share these most amazing healing systems with the world.

Blessings to each of you. I look forward to our time together.

Much love and gratitude,


Download the – 1st Attunement Client Intake Form