Kelly Hampton | Energy Healer

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What Is An Angelic Reading?

As a highly accurate and detailed clairaudient channel, Kelly has the ability to communicate telepathically with many light guides for you. Primarily during an angelic session, Kelly will hear the guidance from beloved Archangel Michael who weilds his sword of love and kindness.  He helps save lives, protects our bodies, vehicles and belongings, and oversees our Divine Life Missions. Of course, everyone has free will which can alter any guidance. Kelly lovingly shares her angelic guidance on any topic which may bring peace and clarity to you or your family.

Come to me with your questions and fears, I will help you find peace and clarity – Archangel Michael

Many clients who return to Kelly again and again are desiring her to facilitate connections with the Ascended Masters, or Mother Earth, or loved ones on the other side, or of course, the Pleidians and the other StarRaces, in addition to Archangel Michael. This, too, is easily accomplished and can add new insight into  your life.

Readings are performed via skype, chat, land line or face time all over the world.  Kelly will channel (telepathically hear) the guidance from AAngel Michael and the Angelic Realms or other divine guides of your choosing.

Tips to Prepare for Your Reading

  • You must be 18 or older to speak with Kelly.
  • To maximize your time, kindly come prepared with questions.  Your questions tell Archangel Michael you are ready to receive what he has to share.
  • You are welcome to record your session or take notes. Mp3 recordings may be sent to you via email.
  • All appointments are booked in Central Time (GMT-6).
  • Cancellations of confirmed appointments within 24 hours of your appointment time will be subject to a 50% charge of your total payment. 

  • No refunds are provided after your consultation – partial or complete.

By proceeding with your purchase you accept the TERMS and CONDITIONS.

Booking Your Reading

Click below to purchase the session you prefer. Sessions are available in 15 min., 30 min,. 45min., and 60 min. Select your session length from the drop down below. For longer sessions or ongoing guidance, you may consider arranging indepth spiritual mentoring and coaching with Kelly.  Mentoring  sessions are most often helpful when someone is going through a crisis or challenge, or when a need exists to examine your belief systems.  Once booked, please contact Kelly’s office via email  to schedule the time and day of your appointment.

Kelly is in Central Timezone – Click Here for a TimeZone converter

15 min. reading $150    https:paypalme/kellyahampton/150
30 min. reading $300
60 min. reading $565   


I just had a life-changing angel reading with messages from the Archangels Michael and the Ascended Masters. It was very clear and spot-on. Archangel Michael and I had a wonderful conversation in the reading in which it felt as if we were best friends and he knew exactly what plan of action would be for my highest good. All the angel messages that came through were accurate, clear, direct, and inspirational. After this session, my energy fields changed from feeling drained into feeling hopeful about life. Before the reading, I needed an energy boost and Archangel Michael provided that. And so please consider doing an angel reading with Kelly Hampton for she is kind, loving, and brings forth the Michael messages in such a loving way. -Gabe, Ohio.

If you haven’t had a reading/guidance session w/Michael via Kelly, you NEED TO. My specific questions were answered, AS WELL AS details about my life/me that Michael thought I needed to know about that were not a part of my questions.(So, if you are wondering, “is this real, possible?” The answer is YES.) Specific, relevant, expansive, beautiful, practical, and very accurate indeed. It’s an experience I will never forget and has helped me tremendously. It has given me the direction, clear guidance, and courage I need to move through some major upcoming transitions. Can’t wait for the next one! I think you are the best psychic I have ever spoken to — simply beyond amazing with such accuracy and details. I was blown away!–Alice Claire, D.

I need to write to express you how amazing, touching, beautiful, extraordinary was your audio last night….it really touched my heart and my whole being, Archangel Michael is just out of this world, and the final message you channeled from beloved Jesus Christ was unbelievable!!!!!!!!  Thank you so much for enlightening us….Paloma A. Fla. USA

That’s was the best reading I’ve ever had. I appreciate your honesty.–Claudia C.

Kelly and AA Michael are awesome! I not only got answers and validation about my life, I experienced the most profound healing after a message came thru from my mother, who has crossed over.–Gina Torinitio

WOW!!! First time reading with Kelly, This lady is AMAZING!!! LOVED HER.–Celeste, London

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