Kelly Hampton Energy Healer

Attitude of Gratitude Album Cover60 Minute Audio
(Replay from a Live Coaching Call October 2014)

This program includes channeled wisdom from Archangel Michael to help you understand the value of Gratitude.

  • Listen to why Archangel Michael calls this frequency from the second most powerful healing on the earth.
  • Benefit energetically immediately by hearing the teaching.
  • Learn new methods for connecting with this healing power.
  • Learn how to create and use the gratitude healing frequency through sound, color, and numbers (harmonics).
  • Appreciate yourselves and others by sharing your own gratitude statements in this group frequency.
  • Create a gratitude journal unlike anyone you’ve ever made, infused with energetic blessing from AA Michael, Mother Mary, Christ and other Ascended Masters
  • Celebrate I AM!
  • Expect to see optimal health after consistent use of being in this frequency.

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