Kelly Hampton | Energy Healer


Create more abundance in your lives with Ascended Spaces™ Home Attunement from Archangel Michael

Ascended Spaces™ Home Attunement will detoxify home or office space through the use of 5th dimensional Pleiadian energies to create more financial prosperity, joy, peace and harmony. It will also clear residual emotional energies and/or the energies of any entities which may be inhabiting the space.

Ascended-Spaces-Book-coverAscended Spaces™ Home Attunement System uses sound, harmonics, gems, oils, imagery and energy techniques to raise the energetic well-being of a home or office. This ground-breaking Ascension space healing system came to Kelly in 2011 from Archangel Michael as an extension to Star Healing Intergalactic Energy™ a powerful 5thd-12thD energy healing system for the body, mind and spirit which restructures DNA. This system is great for real estate agents, interior designers, feng shui practitioners and homeowners wanting to elevate space and create greater abundance.

Four Ways to Access this Powerful System for Creating Abundance:

Arrange for Kelly to come to your home

Scheduling is normally done via email to Kelly;s office: Plus travel fees for locations 10 miles outside of 63017.


Purchase Kelly’s Channeled Angelic Guide Book & Learn How To Ascend Your Own Space!Ascended-Spaces-Book-cover

With this Guide Book you can learn how to apply powerful healing energy to your own home or office indoor spaces. The system is simple to follow, but does require some additional energetic tools which are outlined in the book. You will learn how to use sound, harmonics, semi-precious gems, oils, imagery, commands and body techniques to raise the well-being of your home or office. Follow the techniques in the book and learn how to clear your own space using the Ascended Spaces™ system.

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Register for a Training Course to become a Certified Ascended Spaces™ Practitioner

Kelly offers regular live and online courses to Certify Ascended Spaces Practitioners where she will demonstrate the techniques, provide online support. Practice in homes and course reporting is part of this course available from anywhere in the world. Join the growing global list of practitioners today. If you don’t see something listed, please CONTACT Kelly to inquire further.

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Locate a Certified Ascended Spaces Practitioner

Contact one of Kelly’s Certified Practitioners around the world qualified to conduct Home Space Attunements.

What others have said:


“Several years ago, my husband and I purchased a home. I had spent many years studying Feng Shui and I tried everything I knew to “speak” to the house and bring some warmth into it. Then I started working with the system that Kelly downloaded from Archangel Michael. Miracles began to happen! I have had amazing results! Our home has a new feeling of peace and purpose. It may seems like a small thing, but when you are home during a pandemic and your home is NOT supporting you–and then it is –you feel INSPIRED when the shift occurs.”– Gwenn Cianci, Home owner and Ascended Spaces Practitioner.

“After you visited my space my phone started ringing off the hook with bookings. I was almost thinking I would have to close the center. Thank you so much!” Christine Recar, owner Breath of Life Wellness Center

“There was a constant negative feeling in my home. At night I would always leave a couple of lights on and I could never get a good night’s sleep. During the night I would hear noises like people moving around and sometimes I would hear voices. I felt afraid being in my own home. The negative energy in our house made both my boyfriend I irritable and we would argue a lot. When a practitioner came to my house and did a space attunement both my boyfriend and I felt lighter and happier. There was a drastic shift in energy from bad to good. At night I sleep like a baby and no longer feel afraid to shut all the lights off. My home is now calm and peaceful.”—Susan, F.

“My space feels 10 times better than before. I am not afraid of my own closet anymore. It is also so nice to see my son this happy and unafraid. Before, getting him to sleep was always difficult but last night (after the attunement/clearing), he just rolled over and fell asleep. He also normally flips out in the dark and today, for the first time, I saw him in the darkness and he is so much calmer.—Nancy, B.

“After training with Kelly to become a Certified Star Healing Intergalactic Energy™ Practitioner, I felt it was only right to train also for becoming a Certified Ascended Spaces™ Home Attunement Practitioner. Kelly has designed this course in a step-by-step format in order to quickly and easily learn this system. If I have questions, she answers promptly and is clear in her instruction. I am so grateful to have learned a wonderful way to uplift home spaces for others by bringing peace, joy, and harmony. Thank you Archangel Michael and Kelly so very much!”–Melody Tharp, Jefferson City, MOAscended Spaces Practitioner - Melody Tharp
