Kelly Hampton | Energy Healer

Absolutely FREE!

Many of you have enjoyed the benefits of Kelly’s past programs and now you’ll get FULL ACCESS for 1 month of complimentary membership including $100’s of dollars in spiritual teaching in Kelly’s NEW multi-component Ascendancy program she was directed by Archangel MIchael to create for your healing and transformation–solely for the participants of this group. Free access to her Exclusive Members Program for one month with the option of continuing month by month. Your complimentary one month program will include:

  • A 60 min. Universal Information Call on Protection. Why it is important during this time of our New Earth and what various forms Archangel Michael recommends. (will be sent to you as a podcast or audio file if you are unable to make our Monthly call live. You will receive all in details as the date is confirmed…probably May’s LIVE call.)


  • Weekly complimentary “Ascension Love Notes” delivered via email directly into your inbox. Be directly linked and continually supported through Kelly’s weekly Ascension Love Notes. Wisdom from Archangel Michael and other angels, Mary Magdalene, Ascended Masters and Other Beings of Light delivered to your corner of the globe to remind you that you are loved and to help you better understand our Ascension into ONENESS.
  • Extra BONUS: Each month active members will receive a different surprise “Gratitude Gift” from Kelly like the first month’s FREE gift of 2012 and Beyond: Vol. 2!

This teaching is from a previously recorded live lecture where through Kelly, Archangel Michael answers many common concerns or questions including: What to expect in the years after 2012?  What does Ascension mean? Where is your soul home? What is meant by the 5thD? Learn self healing techniques. You will have the option of continuing on with your immersion into Kelly’s program after your first month

  • You will also receive access to the special closed Facebook where you can ask questions of Kelly, receive additional healing downloads, share awareness moments with others in the group and receive additional bonus materials.
  • Kelly’s third book from Archangel Michael  “The Book Of Animals”  sent to you as a pdf as part of your first FREE month of her Ascendancy Program. After your first FREE month you will be given the option to continue as paid member in this program which will include LIVE monthly calls with Kelly with replays available to ask your questions directly, along with each month featuring new FREE audios and pdf’s to support and expand you–each month different spiritual teachings.



What happened to all the different rainbow-colored small animals? The same thing that caused the demise of the dinosaurs caused the demise of the very early smaller animals. The very first dinosaurs, by the way, were also rainbow or multicolored, and multifaceted. By multifaceted I mean that they were able to easily communicate with multiple galaxies in multiple ways like a multifaceted diamond as were the small animals and the medium-sized animals. If I am beginning to create a visual for you, all of the very early animal life of land, water and air were all rainbow-colored, with more spectrums of rays of light frequency within their energetic bodies, encoded with DNA strands which matched their birth galaxy homes. What a wonderful world it was indeed! — Archangel Michael


Archangel Michael is at it again and I am so grateful! Through Kelly Hampton he has written another book, The Book of Animals to help the world population understand and heal the animals on the planet! I enjoy the wisdom he shared, including the Harmonic Codes which will be so helpful, and are easy to use! I also appreciate the list of steps he gives to help our companion pets through this ascension energy shift. I could go on and on, there is so much of value and good use in this book! I know all who read it will enjoy and be blessed! –QiaJenae, Chicago, IL

Wow! A wonderful book on the teaching of not only on how to open and expand our awareness to animals but how we can directly assist them with ease and grace. THE BOOK OF ANIMALS: Healing Wisdom from Archangel Michael by Kelly Hampton, Archangel Michael gently guides us by mixing narrative and prayer to help aid our understanding. After reading his words I am uplifted and filled with excitement for what is to come. A must read for anyone who is seeking a way to heal and expand love to our beloved Earth. –Tracy Redford, MI

Written in the same powerful, poignant prose as Kelly’s last two books, Archangel Michael’s voice (through Kelly) resounds through these pages with clarity and purpose. He gently educates readers about the animal kingdom – past, present, and future – to help us understand, connect with, and heal these profoundly sensitive, loving beings. He continues his teachings on such essential topics as ascension, Mother Earth, underground civilizations, intergalactic ancestors, Atlantis, harmonic codes, and energy healing while revealing many surprising truths about land, air, and marine animals. Finally, we learn the answers to many of our burning questions: what really happened to the dinosaurs? How can we help animals on the brink of extinction? How do animals find their way back home over great distances? And, most importantly, what can we do to help our animal friends during this great time of ascension? These answers and many more, lie within. –Chelsea J.

THE BOOK OF ANIMALS: Healing Wisdom for the Animal Planet

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