Kelly Hampton | Energy Healer

Experience a virtual retreat to Sacred Portal
Mt. Shasta, CA without leaving home!

Hi, again friends!

A lot will be happening over the next several months. Part of this activity is the presentation of my next virtual retreats in my series of them to sacred places around the world.

Kelly Hampton's Mount Shasta Retreat

I invite you to join me in one or both, 90-minute virtual retreats to Sacred Mt. Shasta in Northern California and the home of the Lemurians. Each virtual retreat will contain different content. I have personally led 4 or is it 5???:) retreats to this portal and have so much alchemic learning and experiences to share with you! I intend it to be the next best thing to packing your suitcase and being there in person. You are invited to register below for one or both calls for greater savings. Once your payment is received, you will be sent our group call (s) mp3 replay link.

You will deepen your understanding of the energies and mysteries of this sacred Lemurian portal and those who live there in our first call replay, with photographs and audio mp3. You will be given alchemic exercises to place you in present-day to open your heart and help heal our planet.

Magical McCloud Falls

Magical McCloud Falls where the 5thD mystical animals appeared from the water as AAMichael and other guides including King Annuki from Lemuria, previously shared with us their wisdom and purpose.

Magical McCloud Falls

Your cost to receive 1 90 min. group call replay link is specially priced at $55 USD. If you choose to participate in both your special fee will be $99. Once received, you will be emailed your mp3 audio replay (s) to enjoy!

To make your payment via Paypal, please do so by choosing to send money to family and friends, enter the appropriate amount, then my email to avoid having to pay additional admin fees. Payment is also accepted by check within the USA or international transfer wire. These are timeless, powerful, one of a kind virtual retreat replays to strengthen your heart, mind, and step into the powerful lightworker collective consciousness! If you prefer to attend this magical portal LIVE, I invite you to check out my other page here for this October’s forming retreat–http://my other page here


“Who wouldn’t want to be nurtured by a powerful and loving Mega Angel for 3 days, in pristine Nature with all vibrant elements?

Mt. Shasta was a journey of Oneness, bridging Earth and Heaven. The exercises, visualizations, invocations, energy work, etc., created a deeper level of connection to our Higher Self and, as Humanity which we are, a higher involvement in the service the Planetary Guides and Protectors are performing during this Great Shift.”–Retreat participant