Kelly Hampton Energy Healer

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]“We both thank you very much. He is such a blessing to me and shows a lot to me that I need to learn, so his well being means so much more than I could explain.” –Lucy and Juniper, CA

“Geedo, my dog, is listening more now than before (and it’s only been a few days since his Star Healing). Not only when I talk to him outside about coming back to her (off leash) but also when we are laying in bed and ‘talking’.” –Kathy and Geedo

“After Kelly’s remote Star session with Jasper, my beloved cat who had arthritic hips and wasn’t eating, all have improved. I am so impressed with this system! Thank you, Kelly and Archangel Michael.” — Julie Ann T. Michigan

I felt Puff’s new sense of self-confidence and empowerment.
The most profound change (after Puff’s Star Healing) I noticed was the issue of my daughter’s dog chasing him. I was out on the patio with Puff and the dog, Brody. Neither of them even flinched. Puff sauntered around and Brody barely noticed him. At one point, they were staring at each other. I felt Puff’s new sense of self-confidence and empowerment. It was really awesome! I didn’t tell anyone else in the house about the healing session just to see if they noticed anything different. My son and daughter both commented on the shift in relationship between Puff and Brody. That was the point that I told them about Puff’s session.” –Shelby Holter

Last week on your show AA did an energy transmission for my kitty. His left eye had a serious ulcer. Initially, the emergency veterinarian mentioned to me that if I had not brought him in for treatment there could have been risk of me having to take him to an ophthalmologist and risk of him losing his eye. 3 days later, I took him in for an evaluation from his regular veterinarian, they said that there was no trace of the ulcer and all was fine. He was to finish out the rest of his meds, to just keep an eye on him and he could return to his regular activities, minus the awful collar he had to wear. In 3 days?…. I absolutely think the healing was a miraculous help.” J. T.

The farrier came to our barn today and Susan asked him how his horse Clayton was after his Star Healing Equine Session and his response was, “He ran away from me the other day. All the way back to the paddock. Someone asked him if that made him mad and he said no, it was a miracle! He was bucking yesterday. He said he didn’t know what u did because he didn’t believe in that stuff but it is working. All I can say is wow! His arthritis was so bad he was going to put him down this spring because he was out of options and now he is riding him! Simply amazing!” – Shayne Gray – Certified Star Healing Energy Equine Healer[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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