Kelly Hampton | Energy Healer


Certified Star Healing Intergalactic Energy™ Mentor Course

Topics covered in this course include:

  • Healing
  • Philosophy
  • Mechanics
  • Teaching Assistant responsibilities
  • Criteria for choosing assistants for seminars
  • Coaching standards and fee structures
  • Correct coaching techniques
  • Guidelines for refresher classes
  • Guidelines for approved business development talks of varying lengths.

A passing evaluation will grant you advanced practitioner status and qualify you as a Coach/Mentor/Assistant for a period of 12 months.

The primary emphasis of the Practitioner Mentoring Course is to coach you to higher levels of performance and ease with the work. As part of that process, on Day 2 of the course, evaluations will be conducted to allow the chance to provide you with an individualized learning and growth plan. Each attendee will receive a preliminary evaluation with feedback and suggestions for improvement in areas, which may require additional focus. Final evaluations will be shared approximately 1-3 weeks after completion of the course.

Practitioner Mentor status will be conferred only when all areas of performance meet course standards and after attendees have demonstrated their proficiency at our seminars.Practitioner Mentoring status is valid for 12 months. All Practitioner Mentors are also considered Certified Practitioners. After the 12-month period has lapsed, you may renew your status either by taking the Practitioner Refresher Course or being a co-sponsor for one of the upcoming seminars. A pre-course packet will be sent to each attendee that will contain material you will be expected to review and learn prior to attending the course.

Course Prerequisites

  • Successful completion of 1st, 2nd and 3rd Attunement Certification for Star Healing Intergalactic Energy ™
  • Six months of active practice after completion of Star Healing Intergalactic Energy Practitioner Certification Training
  • Read, own and be able to discuss 2012 and Beyond: The Truth from Archangel Michael 
  • Submission of a written statement detailing how Star Healing Intergalactic Energy ™ has affected you and those you treat.
  • Submission in writing of minimum of 8 healing case studies/testimonials of healing sessions you have facilitated.
  • Thorough understanding of the philosophy of Star Healing Intergalactic Energy ™
  • 20 verified Star Healing Intergalactic Energy ™ sessions.

Course Format

  • You will receive a certificate upon completion
  • Sessions are 60 minutes
  • The cost for this format is based on an hourly rate
  • You may book multiple 60 minute sessions, until you feel you reach a confident level of understanding
  • Star Healing Intergalactic Energy™ Workshop Assistant courses may also be conducted via group on-line workshops.


Online Course:   This course is traditionally taught in a multi-media online format which includes use of video, teleconference and webinar formats.  Participants will be guided with instruction and activity that will need to be completed within an identified time frame.

LIVE Training:  Occasionally this course is offered as a local weekend workshop.  Check the Course Schedule for next available booking.  If you would like to coordinate a localized event to bring this training to your community, please contact Kelly to check her schedule availability.


In order to receive your official “certification,” each student is required to practice what you have learned on an average of 8 volunteers.  (Some may require additional practice before certification is awarded.)  Once you have completed and submitted all of your online assignments, training and case study reports, you will receive your personalized Star Healing Intergalactic Energy™ Healer Certification.  This certificate is suitable for framing and will publicly demonstrate to others your level of achievement.  Certification is valid for the term of one year and can be renewed through a refresher exam and renewal of your annual Star Healing Intergalactic Energy Membership ($75).

Once certified in the 1st Attunement, you are encouraged to enroll in the 2nd and/or 3rd Attunement courses to further understand how these Attunements differ from the first course.



Payment can be made with Debit/Credit card through PayPal.


DISCLAIMER:  This work is spiritual in nature and not considered a substitute for medical conditions for which you may typically seek out a licensed medical professional.  This certification does not give authorization to prescribe medications, perform surgery, or any other activity requiring a professional medical license.  While energetic work has been proven to aid in the healing of certain medical conditions. Patients under regular care of a physician are recommended to maintain those treatments and seek their advice before stopping such treatment.   Each client and their physical condition is unique.  We take no legal responsibility for the effectiveness results or benefits of these sessions nor do we make any promises, warranties or guarantees about the results of this healing work.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]