Kelly Hampton | Energy Healer

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]In this advanced Star Healing Intergalactic Energy™ course, you will gain a much greater understanding of this powerful system from source energy. You will be instructed on the in-depth philosophies and principles of Star Healing and Ascension to a much higher degree than the foundation, Star Healing Intergalactic Energy Practitioner Course and, in many cases, you will be fully lead by the source energy to conduct high level healing. This course will also teach you how to transmit energy transference, conduct particle recapturization and optimize Bionome engineering.

Prerequisite for the Star Healing Intergalactic Energy™ Advanced Course

  • Completion of Star Healing Intergalactic Energy™ Practitioner Certification
  • A minimum of 3 months of active practice
  • Applicants must be clairvoyant and/or clairaudient to receive guidance – directly from the angels and source energy.

Course Format

  • You will receive a certificate upon completion.
  • This on-line, remote course may be conducted via Skype, Google or Facebook chat.
  • Sessions are 60 minutes.
  • The cost for this format is based on an hourly rate.
  • You may book multiple 60 minute sessions, until you feel you reach a confident level of understanding
  • Star Healing Intergalactic Energy™ Advanced courses may also be conducted via group on-line workshops.


Online Course:   This course is traditionally taught in a multi-media online format which includes use of video, teleconference and webinar formats.  Participants will be guided with instruction and activity that will need to be completed within an identified time frame.

LIVE Training:  Occasionally this course is offered as a local weekend workshop.  Check the Course Schedule for next available booking.  If you would like to coordinate a localized event to bring this training to your community, please contact Kelly to check her schedule availability.


In order to complete your “3rd Attunement Certification” each student is required to exercise their understanding of their training through the completion of 6-8 outside practice sessions within 2 months of the training course.  You will record this information on the Online Reporting form and submit to Kelly for review.  Once completed, you will receive your personalized Star Healing Intergalactic Energy™ HealerCertificate.  This certificate is suitable for framing and will publicly demonstrate to others your level of achievement.  Certification is valid for the term of one year and can be renewed through a refresher exam and renewal of your annual Star Healing Intergalactic Energy Membership ($75)


$400  – Installment Payment Plan Available!

The first installment is charged to your Debit/Credit card through PayPal at the time of purchase. The second installment will be automatically charged 30 days later to the same account information provided.


DISCLAIMER:  This work is spiritual in nature and not considered a substitute for medical conditions for which you may typically seek out a licensed medical professional.  This certification does not give authorization to prescribe medications, perform surgery, or any other activity requiring a professional medical license.  While energetic work has been proven to aid in the healing of certain medical conditions. Patients under regular care of a physician are recommended to maintain those treatments and seek their advice before stopping such treatment.   Each client and their physical condition is unique.  We take no legal responsibility for the effectiveness results or benefits of these sessions nor do we make any promises, warranties or guarantees about the results of this healing work.
