Kelly Hampton Energy Healer

What Is Star Healing Intergalactic Energy™?

Star Healing Intergalactic Energy™ is a ground-breaking, higher vibrational, powerful energy healing system created to work with adults, children, small animals and horses.  It was delivered to Kelly Hampton in 2010 by Archangel Michael, who indicated that “this system is uniquely different than some of the more traditional healing modalities like Reiki, Angelic Reiki, Theta Healing and The Reconnection.” It was introduced to Kelly by Michael as a way to help release and expand the planet by healing and adjusting our bodies to adapt to the higher vibrational frequencies now impacting our planet.  Those who receive Star Healing Intergalactic Energy™ sessions are aligned to a higher 5th dimensional (or beyond) frequency of galactic, Christ Conscious energy from the Pleiadian and other loving light realms. For the past five years, Kelly and her growing list of Certified Healers, have expanded the reach of  this system and are impacting thousands of individuals and animals from around the world by freeing them of physical and emotional limitations caused by our 3rd dimensional environment.

Humanity is counting on you!


Benefits of Star Healing Intergalactic Energy™

Imagine a world without fear, limitations and anxiety. Imagine Individuals and animals experiencing improvements in all types of body, mind and spirit conditions including…

  • Reduction or Elimination of Cancer
  • Tumor Reduction or elimination
  • Circulatory Disorders
  • Clairvoyance Enhancement
  • Immune System Dysfunction
  • Asthma and Other Respiratory Conditions
  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
  • Allergies
  • Tissue detoxification
  • Existing 3-4 D chakra system updated
  • Soul Traumas from Abuse and other Emotional Damage
  • Addictions including Smoking, Alcoholism, Drug Addiction
  • Compulsions, Fears and Phobias of all types
  • Anxiety disorders
  • Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) and (ADHD)
  • Asperger’s syndrome
  • Behavioral issues
  • Memory Impairment
  • Body Aches and Pains including Arthritis and Slipped Disks
  • Weight Reduction
  • Sleep Disturbances
  • Depression
  • Migraines
  • Gallstones and Kidney Stones
  • Hearing Loss
  • Cataracts, glaucoma
  • Infections and Viruses
  • Nerve Damage



What Others Have To Say…

“Guilt I carried for years is gone.  I am finally living my life for myself.”
“I believe star healing is a wonderful  healing system and I feel it healed my stomach issues and also my emotional issues.  I have given up all the guilt and silliness I carried around for years for no reason at all and it has made me a lot more peaceful and joyful. I feel like for the first time in my life I am going to live my life for myself and I think that is one of  the healing aspects I got from this star healing was peace in my soul and it really helped liberate me and lead me to my true essence.”Thank you so much, Nancy Upshaw

In my 45 years as a healer, this is the most powerful healing system I have ever experienced!” –Gwendolyn Hill, Certified Star Healing Intergalactic Energy Practitioner, New Mexico, USA

“More powerful than The Reconnection.” —Linda Pullano. Certified Star Healing Practitioner, USA

“In just 3 days, my cat’s eye ulcer was gone!”
“Last week AAM did an energy transmission for my kitty. His left eye had a serious ulcer. Initially, the emergency veterinarian mentioned to me that if I had not brought him in for treatment there could have been risk of me having to take him to an ophthalmologist and risk of him losing his eye. 3 days later, I took him in for an evaluation from his regular veterinarian, they said that there was no trace of the ulcer and all was fine. He was to finish out the rest of his meds, to just keep an eye on him and he could return to his regular activities, minus the awful collar he had to wear.  In 3 days? I absolutely think the healing was a miraculous help! We both thank you very much. He is such a blessing to me and shows a lot to me that I need to learn, so his well being means so much more than I could explain.”–Lucy and Juniper, CA

“We were going to have to put him down this spring, but now he is riding him!”
“The farrier came to our barn today and Susan asked him how his horse Clayton was after his Star Healing Equine Session and his response was, ” He ran away from me the other day.  All the way back to the paddock.  Someone asked him if that made him mad and he said no, it was a miracle!  He was bucking yesterday.  He said he didn’t know what u did because he didn’t believe in that stuff but it is working. All I can say is wow!  His arthritis was so bad he was going to put him down this spring because he was out of options and now he is riding him!  Simply amazing!”–Shayne Gray – Certified Star Healing Energy Equine™ Healer


You are Invited to Consider the Next
Workshop to become Certified in the
Star Healing Intergalactic Energy™ System!

NOW IS THE TIME!  The Awakening is upon us and HUMANITY NEEDS YOUR HELP!  Star Healing Intergalactic Energy™ is currently only taught by Kelly Hampton.  At the request of Archangel Michael and other Galactic light beings, she is doing her part to answer the “Call To Duty” by creating a more expanded training schedule for her courses. which are filling as quick as she can post them!

Your Journey Starts with a 1st Attunement Certification for Adults & Children

This is the foundation course for all other phases of Star Healing Intergalactic Energy™ and
will cover the following:

  • Introduction to Star Healing Intergalactic Energy™
  • History of Star Healing Intergalactic Energy™
  • Who can Administer Star Healing Intergalactic Energy™
  • Description of Hand Techniques Used
  • Angelic Sacred Symbols and their Meaning
  • How to Conduct your First Attunement Healing Session
  • How to Conduct Remote Healing Sessions
  • Tools Required to Conduct the First Attunement Sessions
  • Sample Forms & Processes to Simplify Implementation
  • Assignments and Case Studies on Volunteers
  • Securing Testimonials
  • Legalities and Responsibilities of Energy Healing

This Course will also include:

  • Star Healing Intergalactic Energy™ Manual
  • Complimentary first year Membership in the Star Energy Healers Private Network to allow for ongoing support, mentoring and healer collaboration.
  • Complimentary Ascended Spaces™ Manual
  • Star Healing Intergalactic Energy™ Healer Certificate and Web Badge
  • 1st Attunement listing in our Online Certified Star Healing Intergalactic Energy™ Healer Directory


This Program Is Only For Those
Existing Healers Ready To Play
In BIGGER Shoes!

Because of the DEMAND FOR THIS HEALING by those awakening already knowing it and seeking it out, AND the number of healers ‘answering the call’ to take the course to become Certified, the limited number of seats available for each class FILL QUICKLY!

To qualify for this training program, you must meet the following requirements:


  1. Have previous experience as an Energy Healer.
    Per AA Michael:  “You cannot run a marathon without having run a race.”
  2. Read 2012 and Beyond:  The Truth from Archangel Michael
    Per AA Michael:  ”One must know the source of one’s instruction” 
  3. Commit to a personal Star Healing Attunement with Kelly Hampton to align you to the Pleaidian frequencies.**

**SPECIAL BONUS –  NOW through July 31st, 2015, all who register for this course will receive a $100 savings on their Attunement.  (Special Link with Savings Code will be provided upon Check-out to get scheduled for your session with Kelly.)


Next Virtual Course Scheduled

Tuesday – June 23rd at 7:30 pm CST
(6:30 pm EST, 8:30 pm MST, 9:30 pm PST)

Limited Number of Seats Remain!




One Payment



Two Payments


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