Showing 1–16 of 31 results
[colored_box variation="steelblue"]"Thank you so very much for the most wonderful and amazing experience…I had with you. I have never ever experienced anything like it ever before. The Pleiadian energy I experienced through you was indescribable, I was flooded with a love, peace and joy which permeated my very being. I loved the way you shared what you were doing with me. During the healing you were inspired to raise your hands, in doing so you took me higher and higher, I felt safe and loved totally. The frequency made my whole body and self tingle and tremble as I was flooded with even more peace and calm, there was no stress in my body. You were guided to raise your hands even higher which you did very slowly and gently and I found myself in the heart of the huge and vast Galaxy in the middle of what can only be described as an explosion of stars. It was intensely blue and the stars so bright, some huge, some near, all sizes and millions and millions were like dots….Kelly the experience with you of Star Healing and channeled counseling from AA Michael himself has been the most profound experience of my entire life. I thank you for all you so tirelessly do with all my heart and soul, what you do is priceless and beyond words. I am humbled and privileged to have had this opportunity to find out who I am my purpose and where I am going. I have experienced many healing experiences in my 65 years but never ever anything like this. It has changed me forever and given me understanding of my purpose."–Christine, UK[/colored_box]
Showing 1–16 of 31 results