Online Programs
Archangel Michael is holding the space for 11:11 timeline open for us! You may still take advantage of our call reply and now with a 50% discount!
What is the 1 1:1 1 gateway?
On November 11, at the exalted moment of 11:11, the Archangels hold the Celestial Gateway open so you can walk through the dimensional doorway between the 3D world and the new awakening 5D world of Harmony and Well-being. 11/11 is like a magnification of the illumination effect that has been under way for some time. It is an opportunity for you to join with others across the planet to focus on love and light-filled ways of being.
I will be leading a meditation calling in the Archangels and conducting LIVE channeling messages from the COUNCIL OF 12 (GALACTIC LIGHT BEINGS FROM THE 12th DIMENSION here for our Ascension) ABOUT FALSE NOTIONS ABOUT 11/11 and whatever else they wish to share with us.
I will also be sharing light language star codes of the master frequencies of Love, Harmony and Unity on this auspicious day so you can stay aligned with your divinity during these intense changes.
THIS DAY, THIS TIME is the perfect time to receive guidance, whatever you have been trying to manifest! And we open the timeline leading from this day to a year from now, which is the next 11:11 Gateway in 2020.
Register today and join me by clicking the link below:
Your call in formation to join the teleclass will be sent to you after your registration is received. Have an interested friend? Share with them!
An mp3 recording afterward for immediate download.
This will be an audio only teleclass.