Kelly Hampton Energy Healer


Presently, Kelly has channeld three renowned spiritual books from Archangel Michael:

The Book of Animals

Archangel Michael is at it again and I am so grateful! Through Kelly Hampton he has written another book, The Book of Animals: Wisdom and Healing from the Animal Kingdom from Archangel Michael, to help the world population understand and heal the animals on the planet! I enjoy the wisdom he shared, including the Harmonic Codes which will be so helpful, and are easy to use! I also appreciate the list of steps he gives to help our companion pets through this ascension energy shift. I could go on and on, there is so much of value and good use in this book! I know all who read it will enjoy and be blessed!— QiaJenae, Chicago, IL

I was reading the part from Gaia about writing love letters to our own mothers and grandmothers. I just sat out on the grass with this book. I kept stroking the grass and thanking Gaia for all of my happy memories in this yard. I thought about times we played touch football with the dog, too! I thought about the times when parts of the yard would freeze and I would play ice hockey with my brother. I then sent love into the earth and to the home’s foundation, and every corner of each room, and to every beam, bolt, wire and material. It was just beautiful!  I knew that this would give me a greater way to connect and convey their beauty and truth. I cried with the part of the first whale to be used as food for humans. It just really struck a chord in my heart. I always believe that animals all have genuine feelings, but the message he conveyed to them was poignant and with such wisdom, I just welled up with tears. When I think of just the expansiveness of love and unending creativity it really fills me with awe. It also gives me great hope in what is happening now unseen and what will be!– Anna Johnston

Wow! A wonderful book on the teaching of not only on how to open and expand our awareness to animals but how we can directly assist them with ease and grace. In the THE BOOK OF ANIMALS: Healing and Wisdom from Archangel Michael by Kelly Hampton, Archangel Michael gently guides us by mixing narrative and prayer to help aid our understanding. After reading his words I am uplifted and filled with excitement for what is to come. A must read for anyone who is seeking a way to heal and expand love to our beloved Earth.— Tracy Redford, Fenton, MI

Written in the same powerful, poignant prose as Kelly’s last two books, Archangel Michael’s voice (through Kelly) resounds through these pages with clarity and purpose. He gently educates readers about the animal kingdom – past, present, and future – to help us understand, connect with, and heal these profoundly sensitive, loving beings. He continues his teachings on such essential topics as ascension, Mother Earth, underground civilizations, intergalactic ancestors, Atlantis, harmonic codes, and energy healing while revealing many surprising truths about land, air, and marine animals. Finally, we learn the answers to many of our burning questions: what really happened to the dinosaurs? How can we help animals on the brink of extinction? How do animals find their way back home over great distances? And, most importantly, what can we do to help our animal friends during this great time of ascension? These answers and many more, lie within. –Chelsea J, Northern California

Amazing and enlightening!! I have read and re-read THE BOOK OF ANIMALS and it is the most important information we need” to understand all types of animal species whether on land or in the water. Channeled by Kelly Hampton, Archangel Michael has given us inspiring information about the animals on our planet from the past, the present, and those yet to come. This beautiful information cannot be found anywhere else. In his loving way, he touches our hearts and shows us how to help all animal species on Earth. The Angel’s information about the mythical creatures that will be re-appearing on the planet brings joy to one’s heart. This book touched my soul on a very deep level.–Patti Ransford, USA

Loving the book. Thank you Kelly and Archangel Michael.–Wendy Logan, USA

I love it…Can’t get enough of it..Been waiting for this book for a while… makes SO MUCH SENSE!!!!! Thank you Kelly!!— Emmy, USA

2012_book_cover_itunes2012 and Beyond: The Truth from Archangel Michael

I really loved this book and Into the White Light. I didn’t want to put the book down not even to go to the restroom. Once I started I did not want to stop. I will read this over and over, cover to cover and I don’t do that…once I have read a book I’m done except for going back to look something up. It was wonderful to have all my feelings and thoughts get a conformation. You do need to have an open mind and yes somethings you don’t want to hear but you knew deep down that was the case anyway. It was a fast and easy read a few typos but a great book. A must read! I say if you read only one book in your life it needs to be this one. Just a wonderful read and I felt hopeful, loved, very positive and a high vibration feeling almost like a buzzing feeling. I just can’t say enough wonderful things about this book you just have to read it for yourself. I have just ordered 3 more of each book for my friends and family. I met Kelly at a Mind, Body and Spirit Expo in the USA and it was the first I had even learned of her books and I was drawn to get them. The last thing I can tell you is get it, get it and get it! –Kellie Mitchell

This book was the final message that has lead me to learn Star Healing Intergalactic Energy.Barb, USA

Even though it’s 2015 when I first read this book, the material is important for all of us today on our ascension journeys. I felt so much comfort while reading this and even experienced some energy shifts. Looking forward to the next edition.— Pachamama

Potentially life changing energy experienced whilst reading this book! I highly recommend it to anyone who is open to seeing what is really happening around us and to us at this time. Provocative and extraordinary. It is seldom I feel an energy shift whilst reading a book.—Janine F.

This book is a must read for all current light workers on planet Earth. You will be amazed at Archangel Michael’s prophecies and truth about other beings in our universe.— Verified Amazon Purchase

Kelly Hampton reveals some interesting comments from Archangel Michael about the world’s future, weather, wars, diseases coming and so forth. You have to read her other book, “Into the White Light,” about what else Michael has to say, too.— Barbara Field

Kelly, thank you very much for sending me a signed copy of your amazing book. The moment I received it, I began reading & I couldn’t put it down. It’s so frank yet so loving, and the way you convey AA Michael’s messages through your book writing is captivating & witty. His pure love is evident in His communications brought forth in this book. I will definitely pass this book on. Thank you once again.

Love, Love, Love your book 2012 and Beyond: The Truth from Archangel Michael, Kelly!! Finally got it back from my mum this week, she’s read it more times than me now, lol. So much in it, I’d recommend it. Most especially to those who think the world is “coming to an end” …. it’s simply fascinating, fabulous. Congratulations!! : o) x

Kelly, I have read your books and found them to be so enlightening. I have done a ton of outside reading and YouTube watching 🙂 that confirms a lot of what you/AAM say in your books. I have no doubt in my mind that this little prodigy girl is a crystal child (with new DNA as is described in the book). The way she describes heaven as well as the way heaven is reflected in her painting sounds incredibly similar to how you/AAM describe heaven in your first book “Into the White Light.” It’s amazing to me to have a lot of information from various sources come together and synchronize. Thank you so much for sharing your gift. 🙂—Amazon Verified Purchase

I really loved this book and the other one Into the White Light. I didn’t want to put the book down not even to go to the restroom. Once I started I did not want to stop. I will read this over and over, cover to cover and I don’t do that…once I have read a book I’m done except for going back to look something up. It was wonderful to have all my feelings and thoughts get a conformation. You do need to have an open mind and yes somethings you don’t want to hear but you knew deep down that was the case anyway. It was a fast and easy read, a great book. A must read! I say if you read only one book in your life it needs to be this one. Just a wonderful read and I felt hopeful, loved, very positive and a high vibration feeling almost like a buzzing feeling. I just can’t say enough wonderful things about this book you just have to read it for yourself. I have just ordered 3 more of each book for my friends and family. I met Kelly at a Mind, Body and Spirit Expo in the USA and it was the first I had even learned of her books and I was drawn to get them. The last thing I can tell you is get it, get it and get it!–Kellie Mitchell

I was divinely driven to read Archangel Michael’s last book. The confirmation of the Great Awakening is wonderful. These words were told to me in 2005 by him. Michael has personally visited me on several occasions, in different capacities. He is my rock. Someday in the not too distant future, those of us that are enlightened will live in harmony together, once again with these beautiful, magnificent beings of light. I love you Archangel Michael. Diane H. Holycross, Ransomville, NY

This book gives much information of the rising of our conscious. It explains many of the questions you have been asking yourself. If you plan on reading this book, I would suggest that you first read Ms. Hampton’s, “Into the White Light- the Revelations of Archangel Michael“. For those of you that feel called to explore the new earth frequency, vibration, or ascension spiritually, this would be a good place to start. It will be eye-opening and thought provoking. Read with an open mind and know that if you are called to read these “teachings” you are ready or you would not be called to do so. I myself read both books in 2 sittings. In Love and Light. Namaste.—Diane Mallett

I loved this book – it is short but the information & knowledge you get out of it is incredible!— H. Craig

This is a wonderful book positively written. The truth is that the world will not come to a crashing end, but will go on with more enlightened people giving love the way it should be done with each and every being.—Sybra

Into_20the_20White_20Light.225x225-75Into the White Light: The Revelations of Archangel Michael

An absolutely wonderful book! Full of fascinating insights into Creation, Jesus’ Resurrection, Angelic realms, prayers, divine guidance, healing, and the nature of life. There is so much that is of interest, and so much love and wisdom contained on every page, it’s as if not a single word has been wasted, which I guess would be true of a book dictated by an Angel! Easy to read, yet deeply thought-provoking, even though I am not able to accept a few of the minor concepts, it seems as if more can be learned, and more understandings gained, each time it’s read. Highly recommended, especially to those seeking more advanced awareness of the spiritual realities `behind the veil’ of life as we know it on earth. Note: I purchased my copy in a downloadable PDF via Kelly’s website. –Perpetual Student, IL USAI was reading the part from Gaia about writing love letters to our own mothers and grandmothers. I just sat out on the grass with this book. I kept stroking the grass and thanking Gaia for all of my happy memories in this yard. I thought about times we played touch football with the dog, too! I thought about the times when parts of the yard would freeze and I would play ice hockey with my brother. I then sent love into the earth and to the home’s foundation, and every corner of each room, and to every beam, bolt, wire and material. It was just beautiful! I knew that this would give me a greater way to connect and convey their beauty and truth. I cried with the part of the first whale to be used as food for humans. It just really struck a chord in my heart. I always believe that animals all have genuine feelings, but the message he conveyed to them was poignant and with such wisdom, I just welled up with tears. When I think of just the expansiveness of love and unending creativity it really fills me with awe. It also gives me great hope in what is happening now unseen and what will be! Anna Johnston

I loved this book! St. Michael the Archangel is my favorite saint! The things he said does go against some of the world’s prominent religions & some, like myself, would disagree on a few viewpoints. Overall, His message of hope and spirituality is very welcoming. I thank God for giving Michael this special task.–Portugee Mike, review

I could not put this book down. It is very inspiring and I appreciated the fact that it didn’t just talk about Christianity but it touched a bit on several other religions who each have Master teachers in their own right. That was very refreshing in a world with so many different religions. It touched on past world history with an Angelic perspective. It’s ultimate message was one of love and if we as a world forget that, we’re going to change the future of Earth as we know it, and that’s not a good thing. A thought provoking read.James, Missouri

I read “into the White Light” and still re reading some chapters. Thank YOU for sharing God’s word. I pray every soul in this world; Earth, reads it and is blessed to have it find its way to them and embraces each enlightening word. Thank you for sharing the most meaningful words I have ever been blessed to receive.—Elizabeth Syberg-Schmitt

It`s one of the best books I’ve ever read in my entire life. It helps me so much in changing my life for the best. I found enlightenment in it, and I could not put it down for I was hooked on every word. I found love and salvation in this book, it is really the most precious thing I could ever found in my whole life. I felt so much peace, love and light after I read the book that it is AMAZING! My soul needed this book so bad and I’m so grateful that I found it. 🙂 Like her other book, “2012 and Beyond: The Truth,” Kelly Hampton channels a book from Archangel Michael about what is going to happen in this world over the next few hundred years, diseases and wars which will take place, and other tidbits of information. It’s interesting to read things from a higher perspective.—Barbara Fifield

Very insightful. Love the kindle edition. Easy to read, great spiritual reading. I would recommend for anyone interested in the subject.— VERIFIED AMAZON PURCHASE

Fantastic. Nice to read the truth.—Lila

Phenomenal book. Easy read. It really puts your mind at ease. I’ve spoken to the author and she is the real deal!

Finally, the TRUTH about spirituality and soul progression. A great guidebook for those on a spiritual path of self-discovery.—Supershopper from Amazon Verified Purchase

This chapter was very great, and informative. It was explaining about what you should do if a lost soul tries to communicate with you. I found it amazing and I am very grateful of this book. I love it and I recommend it to anyone who is willing to read it. A ‘lot or a few things that was pointed out in this book; was things I have been going through or witness. I’m very appreciated of Kelly Hampton the author and to Michael the Archangel I love you guys and thanks.— Sabrina

This book is a delight. Kathy Hampton is a wonderful channel and with Archangel Michael coming through, can only be great. Have not finished it yet, but will definitely re-read it to glean more info from it.—Sybra