Kelly Hampton | Energy Healer

System Founder and Official Instructor

Since 2010, Kelly has been working with energy healers and lightworkers from around the world to teach this advanced healing modality which Archangel Michael shared with her encompassing Christ Consciousness, Oneness, Ascension Energies.

“It gives me great joy to spread these magnificent healing systems.” – Kelly Hampton

Her courses are unique to other modalities like Reiki and The Reconnection because they go several levels higher.  They are a perfect addition to the skills of healers with previous healing experience wishing to add a revolutionary new 5thD healing system to their practices.

Her courses include Star Healing Intergalactic Energy Practitioner Certifications for:

See the Complete List of Available Certifications

It started with a system for Adults and Children but has expanded to include Small Animals and Equines. These comprehensive courses typically require 16-25 hours of training and outside practice. First attunement training is an online course. Other courses are also online but will involve more live time with Kelly via skype or zoom typically from anywhere in the world.

“It is truly a blessing to all the animals on the planet that you have brought powerful Star Healing system to them as well as the humans. I will be continuing my training for equines and small animals and thank you so much for all your patience and generosity of time, knowledge, and spirit in our coaching sessions. The work you do with AAM’s messages are so important to all living things at this time on the planet! Much love and blessings from me and all the animals!”—Pam Ferriman, Certified Star Healing Equine Healer, Canada

“As my training to become a certified Star Healing practitioner approaches its end, I would like to take the opportunity to thank you for this wonderful program. Never has a teacher been so available and almost all the time ready for me, for my needs and my questions. I enjoyed the best, most customized training ever, but online. I would like to let every aspirant know, what a skillful and engaged teacher you are. You taught not only the techniques, but you conveyed in an authentic and inspiring way, your love and appreciation for this new, special healing method and its creator, Archangel Michael. I truly wish that many people sense the profound uniqueness of this opportunity to access and learn the Star Healing Intergalactic Energy Method, especially in this easy online way. Again, thank you, Kelly.” – Ellen Simon, Certified Healer, USA