Kelly Hampton Energy Healer

What Others Have Said of Kelly’S Global Telesummit Appearances

Kelly, when you said my word, I felt it deep into my heart. I continue to feel that word in my heart. Thank you. Luba

Felt tingling of inner smiles in waves throughout my body. Karen in Hollywood, FL

I feel like we just sent this through our world and out to the universeAnna

Wow, so much tingling in the left leg and hand, left side of my body. I am guessing receiving was strong! Love it! Dada in Vancouver

I don’t feel as lonely as I always do. Jen in Nyack

It is so peaceful and unifying. Energy flowing through me.Janice in Sacramento

I can feel Michael quite strong. Almost brings tears to my eyes. Marie in Shreveport Louisiana

Wow – I feel like I was just scolded about praying & calling out for Archangel Michael and Raphael. I prayed to them a few years ago. I didn’t hear or feel the answer so I thought I wasn’t yet worthy of their help. I’m very thankful Archangel Michael touched my right shoulder. Oh my, now I trust and I love him even more! It brought me to tears of relief & love. California

Just ordered the package – so excited – feel like a brother and sister have returned from distant places and have come to teach me! Penny

I just got the package! So excited! I feel like FINALLY I don’t feel ‘dropped off’ and left behind! Deborah

Partial List of Testimonials from Star healing Intergalactic Energy™ Certified Practitioners

I have taken different healing classes, but nothing to compare to Star Healing Intergalactic Energy. First I had a Star healing, and knew that I needed that energy around me all the time. Just over a month later I took the classes.  Kelly is the most amazing teacher, and the class & the energy just flow. Kelly does not hold anything back. She wants you to learn every aspect of Star Healing, and there is no reason that you cannot walk out of that class and running!   To access this energy and pass it on to others is the most amazing gift anyone can give themselves. You will not be sorry if you take this wonderful opportunity. Thank you Kelly,– JoAnn Seckus, Certified Star Healing Practitioner, Chicago, IL

More powerful than The Reconnection—Linda Pullano. Certified Star Healing Practitioner

As my training to become a certified Star Healing practitioner approaches its end, I would like to take the opportunity to thank you for this wonderful program. Never has a teacher been so available and almost all the time ready  for me, for my needs and my questions. I enjoyed the best, most customized training ever, but online. I would like to let every aspirant know, what a skillful and engaged teacher you are. You taught not only the techniques, but you conveyed in an authentic and inspiring way, your love and appreciation for this new, special healing method and its creator, Archangel Michael. I truly wish that many people sense the profound uniqueness of this opportunity to accessing and learning the Star Healing Intergalactic Energy Method, especially in this easy online way. Again, thank you, Kelly, –Ellen Simon, Certified Practitioner, CA USA

The most powerful healing system I have experienced in my 45 years as a healer.– Gwendolyn Hill, New Mexico. 2013

It is truly a blessing to all the animals on the planet that you have brought powerful Star Healing system to them as well as the humans. I will be continuing my training for equines and small animals and thank you so much for all your patience and generosity of time, knowledge, and spirit in our coaching sessions. The work you do with AAM’s messages are so important to all living things as this time on the planet! Much love and blessings from me and all the animals!—Pam Ferriman, Canada.

I would like to thank Kelly, AAMichael and the Pleiadian galaxy for the gift of becoming a certified practitioner. I feel proud to be part of the group of light workers who are doing this work. My heart is open, my world is beautiful and I have found peace.—Sarah, UK Star Healing Certified Star Healing Practitioner

Please continue to teach me and my family about the love, strength and spiritual wisdom that we deserve. I am very proud to be a light worker under your counsel.—Velma C. Certified Star Healing Practitioner, Rhode Island

After seeing you shape shift into Archangel Michael, Christ, then Ashtar, the Galactic Commander, I don’t know who you are, what planet you are from, but I am so glad you are here! I am proud to be a Star Healing Intergalactic Energy™ Practitioner!—Poco Taylor, Star Healing Intergalactic Energy™ Practitioner, Arkansas, US

I have studied and experienced many healing modalities before Star Healing Intergalactic Energy™. I was interested in trying something new and I felt guided to learn a different method of energy healing. Thank you Kelly for providing me with the opportunity to become a certified practitioner! — Naseem Hajizadeh, Certified Star Healing Practitioner, USA

I was guided to Star Healing Intergalactic Energy™ after I had experienced other healing modalities. I noticed the most improvement in healing from this system and became very interested in becoming a certified practitioner. I am finding much joy and excitement in offering this system to others.—Ella Doane, Certified Star Healing Practitioner, USA

What Others Have Said OF Kelly’s Ascended Spaces™ Practitioner Program

As a certified practitioner of the Ascended Spaces home and business space attunement system since 2012, I have found it to be among the most joyful, uplifting and transformative experiences in my life. From the first attunement that I did in my own home, I have been amazed at the fact that this system really works.  And despite lovely, gentle methods that delight the soul to use, it’s very powerful! I could feel the difference the moment I opened my eyes the next morning, even before I remembered that the attunement had been done. The very air was charged with happiness, and sparkling with joy like Christmas morning. Since then I have had the honor of performing several attunements for others, and each time it has worked successfully to clear, transform and renew the spaces, and my own well-being in the process. It is healing and a joy to perform, and brings peace like a soft blanket to every corner of the rooms where it is used. I hope that I will have the opportunity to provide this divine system to more people in the year ahead, so that its benefits can be felt by others. It fills me with joy, and as Archangel Michael has taught me, working with the energy in our spaces is very important work, and for every condition that exists, divine healing is always possible.”–Barbara Iverson, Certified Ascended Spaces Practitioner, St. Charles IL, USA

I’ve always had a passion for healing and wanted to make use of my talents that have been gifted to me. I met Archangel Michael through Kelly Hampton. I felt called to do the Ascended Spaces™ Course first. I look forward to my life changing and feel honored to be working in this field.–Florence George, Perth,Western  Australia