Kelly Hampton | Energy Healer

How to Prepare for Your Star Healing Session

In-Person Session

  • Dress comfortably, in layers if desired.
  • Bring a light weight blanket in case the energy shifts become too cool for you.
  • Remove any crystals or other gem jewelry.
  • Please do not bring guests so as to not create an energetic distraction.
  • Kelly will be channeling information from Archangel Michael and intergalactic light beings on your behalf and sharing this information with you through out your session.  You are invited to ask questions and share what you might be seeing or feeling during your experience so Kelly and Archangel Michael can address any questions you have or confirm what you are processing.
  • Please note that recording your session is not permitted.

Remote Session

  • Dress comfortably, in layers if desired.
  • Remove any crystals or other gem jewelry.
  • You will be sitting comfortably while Kelly is energetically connected to your body.
  • Have a light weight blanket on hand in case the energy shifts become too cool for you.
  • Please coordinate this time for you to be alone, in a quiet environment, without distractions.
  • You might want to play clear quartz crystal sound music in the background to elevate your session if your home is not currently elevated using Ascended Spaces™
  • Kelly will be channeling information from Archangel Michael and intergalactic light beings on your behalf and sharing this information with you through out your session.  You are invited to ask questions and share what you might be seeing or feeling during your session so Kelly and Archangel Michael can address any questions you have or confirm what you are processing.
  • Please note that recording your session is not permitted.

What to Expect After Your Session

Everyone’s experience is uniquely different.  Some notice immediate improvements, while others it may take their body a little time to process the changes.  In general, this healing shifts the molecular structure in your light body.  Because of this, there is occasion when certain conditions may actually temporarily worsen after a session.  Just know that this is part of the healing process and once you move through the process, it will be gone for good.

If you have any other questions not addressed here, check out the Frequently Asked Questions page or Contact Kelly.