Kelly Hampton Energy Healer

What Is DOMINION?Dominion FaceBook ban ner

DOMINON has been something Kelly has been working on for the past 3 years, and has finally arrived!  This is the first in a series of information about a historical NEW Astrology-Astronomy system delivered through Archangel Michael.

“We are evolving into a multidimensional existence in and for our New Earth.” – AAMichael

Be among the FIRST ON THE PLANET to hear from Archangel Michael as he introduces through Kelly this NEW “Dominion” information and dig more deeply into your understanding of the planets, stars, cosmos. Learn why knowing about it may be vitally important to your awakening!

“Your astrology in some ways uses an older system. This system will be light years ahead of it. I am naming it Dominion. Do you know what Dominion means? It means Oneness/Ascendancy. Why do we need a new system to understand the stars? Because the one your earth uses is fading away energetically. If you have worn tires on your car, do you wish to keep driving on them, or would you prefer to get new ones? Astronomy? Yes, Dominion will encompass this, too.”–AAMichael

Step more fully into your shoes as light workers and awakening souls on our planet by embracing this NEW and NEEDED system for studying the COSMOS.

DOMINION – Volume 1
60 Minute Audio

  • Be introduced to Ostalas, Persimini, Herculon, Celestene, Damascus, Jupiterian and other Galaxies to be examined through the use of this system.
  • Learn for what purpose mythical creatures and new animal species are returning encoded.
  • Let Archangel Michael lovingly teach and remove any fears that you may have about connecting with life on other galaxies.
  • Hear how our plant kingdom is tiring, and how regeneration of new species will give rise to a healthier Mother Earth
  • Have your questions answered about how to make practical use of these teachings for your highest good.

DOMINION – Volume 2
60 Minute Audio

Continue to deepen your connection to the divine through this second hour of angelic teaching from Archangel Michael about DOMINION.  In this session …

  • Be introduced to Ostalas, Persimini, Herculon, Damascus, Celestene and other Galaxies and what life forms reside upon them.
  • Let Archangel Michael lovingly teach and remove any from you may have about connecting further with other galaxies
  • Have your questions answered about how to make practical use of these teachings for greater good.

DOMINION – Volume 3
60 Minute Audio

A continuation of the celestial story about the varied galaxies in our Universe.

  • During this third hour, your journey will continue with Archangel Michael as he delves into deeper your understanding of Utopia, a far distant galaxy light years from our own.
  • Learn what seeding is and what seeding has to do with the Rainforest, Thailand and Mother Earth’s evolution.
  • Listen as AA Michael describes the Utopian civilization including the loving light beings that inhabit it.
  • Learn harmonic codes to connect with Utopia to promote healing for Mother Earth
  • Hear and discover a sound tone to connect with this advanced galaxy to work with energy.
  • Be guided to hear the angel’s wisdom about a sonic boom and how this will be one of the most magnificent times on Earth.
  • Learn about the many and varied animal species that inhabit Utopia and how this galaxy is still helping raise the vibration on Earth for Ascendancy.

DOMINION – Volume 4
60 Minute Audio

From a previously recorded live coaching call. (It is recommended that volumes are listened to in sequential order)

In this 4th volume:

  • During this fourth hour you will be lead through protection exercises by Archangel Michael at the beginning of the audio
  • Discover the galaxy of Damascus and what healing purpose loving light beings who reside there provide to our own planet
  • Hear the angel discuss the concept of “light years” and how they will be changing/evolving.
  • Learn how you personally can send the healing frequency of tenderness to hunted animals on the planet and help yourself and our planet Ascend to love.
  • Listen as Archangel Michael describes the major planets in this constellation and how beams of light energy are being sent to our planet for healing of all types.
  • Reassurance for the thousands of star seeds on our planet now that they do have soul homes and there is no need to feel lost.

DOMINION – Volume 5
60 Minute Audio

From a previously recorded live coaching call. (It is recommended that volumes are listened to in sequential order)

In this 5th volume:

  • Learn from Archangel Michael what the main healing frequencies are within the galaxy of Celestine
  • Learn how crop circles were introduced to our planet and the best place (s) to experience them
  • Hear Archangel Michael describe the important contributions this galaxy continues to share with us
  • Be lead through visualizations describing the loving life forms inhabiting this dimension
  • Receive the harmonic healing code to personally connect with the healing of this galaxy for  your personal expansion or our global one
  • Deepen your awareness of yourselves as alchemists by working with the pale green wind of forgiveness
  • Be reminded of the interconnectedness of all life
  • Receive teaching from the interstellar Commander

DOMINION – Volume 6
60 Minute Audio

From a previously recorded live coaching call. (It is recommended that volumes are listened to in sequential order)

In this 6th volume:

  • Learn from Archangel Michael what the main healing frequency is within the galaxy of Herculon
  • Learn what planets make up this Christed extraterrestrial galaxy and what they look like
  • Hear Archangel Michael describe the life forms which live here and what their civilizations are like
  • Hear how beings from Herculon have technology to help our planet..especially advancing technology to mine minerals in a less invasive way
  • Receive the harmonic healing code to personally connect with the healing of this galaxy for  your personal expansion or our global one
  • Deepen your awareness of how we are not alone in the universe
  • Be introduced to starseeds from Herculon and how they do their work–both children and young animals
  • Hear about violet children and their healing purpose

DOMINION – Volume 7
60 Minute Audio

In this 7th volume:

  • Learn from Archangel Michael what the main healing essence is within the galaxy of Dominic
  • Learn what 6 planets (including the planet 92D2, similar to R2D2 from Star Wars) stars and faded stars make up this Christed extraterrestrial galaxy.
  • Hear Archangel Michael describe the loving, life forms which live here and how their golden heart floats throughout their bodies
  • Learn why Archangel Michael describes this civilization as “Utopian.”
  • Learn why there is no aging in this universe and why the angel sees these beings as advanced.
  • Learn about planet 2C3C9, the “invisibility” planet and why it was created to act like a giant sound speaker
  • Expand your awareness about infinite life

Get Your Download Link Here…

[one_third]Dominion Volume 1 - Volume 1
60 min MP3

[one_third]Dominion Volume 2 - Kelly Hampton, Archangel MichaelVolume 2
60 min MP3

[one_third_last]Dominion Volume 3 - www.KellyHamptonOnline.comVolume 3
60 min MP3

[one_third]Dominion vol4 Volume 4
60 min MP3

[one_third] Volume 5
60 min MP3


[one_third_last] Volume 6
60 min MP3

[one_third]Kelly Dominion vol7 Volume 7
60 min MP3