Ascended Spaces from Archangel Michael is a powerful space attunement system, not feng shui, capable of creating greater abundance in your lives and those of your loved ones and pets! Each of the following practitioners has completed Kelly’s online course. You are invited to contact them today to begin to live the life you were promised!
Consider contacting one of these Certified Ascended Spaces Practitioners to help you clear your home or office space to create abundance using Archangel Michael’s revolutionary Ascended Spaces home system. During the pandemic, this can be done remotely via zoom or other online methods. Certified practitioners may offer in-home appointments while maintaining safety protocol, as well as online sessions and their rates may va
What Others Have Said of Kelly’s Ascended Spaces
Practitioner Program
As a certified practitioner of the Ascended Spaces home and business space attunement system since 2012, I have found it to be among the most joyful, uplifting and transformative experiences in my life. From the first attunement that I did in my own home, I have been amazed at the fact that this system really works. And despite lovely, gentle methods that delight the soul to use, it’s very powerful! I could feel the difference the moment I opened my eyes the next morning, even before I remembered that the attunement had been done. The very air was charged with happiness, and sparkling with joy like Christmas morning. Since then I have had the honor of performing several attunements for others, and each time it has worked successfully to clear, transform and renew the spaces, and my own well-being in the process. It is healing and a joy to perform, and brings peace like a soft blanket to every corner of the rooms where it is used. I hope that I will have the opportunity to provide this divine system to more people in the year ahead, so that its benefits can be felt by others. It fills me with joy, and as Archangel Michael has taught me, working with the energy in our spaces is very important work, and for every condition that exists, divine healing is always possible.”–Barbara Iverson, Certified Ascended Spaces Practitioner, St. Charles IL, USA
I’ve always had a passion for healing and wanted to make use of my talents that have been gifted to me. I met Archangel Michael through Kelly Hampton. I felt called to do the Ascended Spaces™ Course first. I look forward to my life changing and feel honored to be working in this field.–Florence George, Perth,Western Australia
After training with Kelly to become a Certified Star Healing Intergalactic Energy™ Practitioner, I felt it was only right to train also for becoming a Certified Ascended Spaces™ Home Attunement Practitioner. Kelly has designed this course in a step-by-step format in order to quickly and easily learn this system. If I have questions, she answers promptly and is clear in her instruction. I am so grateful to have learned a wonderful way to uplift home spaces for others by bringing peace, joy, and harmony. Thank you Archangel Michael and Kelly so very much!”–Melody Tharp, Jefferson City, MO
It is truly a blessing to all the animals on the planet that you have brought powerful Star Healing system to them as well as the humans. I will be continuing my training for equines and small animals and thank you so much for all your patience and generosity of time, knowledge, and spirit in our coaching sessions. The work you do with AAM’s messages are so important to all living things as this time on the planet! Much love and blessings from me and all the animals!—Pam Ferriman, Certified Star Healing Equine Practitioner, Student in Training for Star Healing for Small Animals, Canada.

Kelly Hampton, System Founder St. Louis, MO
Phone: (636)-346 7093
Email: kelly@kellyhamptononline.com
I am available for travel and in-person workshop training/seminars on Ascension, including Ascended Spaces, remote Star Healing Intergalactic Energy healing sessions available anywhere around the world.

Catherine Cogorno
Saint Louis, MO USA
Phone: (314)-782-7461
Email: catcogorno@sbcglobal.net
Am blessed to be able to serve as a conduit for this wonderful healing practice, an upgrade to the Reiki work I have practiced for 14 years. Assisting in healing and raising the vibratory frequency of each and any being elevates the energy of the entire world. Celestial beings accompany us on this Sacred Path of enlightenment and sharing.

Linda Pullano
Johnston, RI USA
Phone: 401-383-2344
The power of this new healing system always amazes me. Having done over 400 Star Healings on people I’m looking forward to helping the 4 legged souls. Thank you Kelly for your commitment to teaching all us around the world this beautiful and powerful Healing System. — Love, Linda Pullano, Owner & Healer, Herbs & Angels LLC
Melody Bode
Jefferson City, MO USA
Phone: 573-680-9729
Email: nycrockettes@gmail.com
Gwen Cianni in training USA
Barbara Iverson
St. Charles, IL USA
Phone: 847-346-8418
Email: one_spirit@comcast.net
Florence George
Perth, Western, AUSTRALIA
Phone: 0428-550-1691
Email: flocrasto2002@yahoo.com.au
Zyna Langden
Phone: 0428-550-1691
Email: ciaozyna@zoho.com
Hiromi Inaba
Email: inaba.hiromi@gmail.com
*also a Star Healing Practitioner
Ayako Yamamoto
Email: green.ra.info@googlemail.com
Kazuko Sugiyama
Email: iyasi121212@gmail.com
Kurumi Itani
Email: metamorheart@gmail.com
Ayako Hirano
Email: ayaya.4.13.0708@gmail.com
Michiko Watanabe
Email: michikow@icloud.com
Fumiko Kato
Email: sa2ki@k3.ne.jp
Saeko Tanaka
Email: releaseblocks@gmail.com
Miki Sakamoto
Email: amazing.cat5005@gmail.com
Yumiko Kurata
Akiko Tanikawa
Email: phakiko809@gmail.com
Ayako Yamamoto
Email: green.ra.info@goiglemail.com
Yuki Ozaki
Email: yukiyume-8dogs@i.softbank.jp
Nana Yamada
Email: modessyu4@icloud.com
Nakajima Shion
Email: oundorb8839@gmail.com
Tomoko Fuji
Mai Harada
Miki Noguchi
*Reiko Obayashi
*also a Star Healing Practitioner
*Masumi Nakagawa
*also a Star Healing Practitioner
Machiko Mitsu
*Yayoi Nakao
*also a Star Healing Practitioner
*Yukari Mise
*also a Star Healing Practitioner
*Emiko Motomura
*also a Star Healing Practitioner
*Rieko Katano
*also a Star Healing Practitioner
Kurumi Itani
Email: metamorheart@gmail.com
Ayako Hirano
Email: ayaya.4.13.0708@gmail.com
Email: healing.salon.ermitage@gmail.com
Etsuko Sekine
*Yuko Machizuki
*also a Star Healing Practitioner
*Yukiko Kataoka
*also a Star Healing Practitioner
*Sumiyo Sakaida
*also a Star Healing Practitioner
Miyuki Moridera
Marisa Koike
*also a Star Healing Practitioner
*also a Star Healing Practitioner
Naomi Murakoshi
*also a Star Healing Practitioner
Yumiko Yamamoto
*also a Star Healing Practitioner
*Kunihiro Sasaki
*also a Star Healing Practitioner
*Satomi Yamanaka
*also a Star Healing Practitioner