Kelly Hampton | Energy Healer


What Is Ascended Spaces™?

Ascended-Spaces-Vertical-BaAscended Spaces™ Home Attunement System uses sound, harmonics, gems, oils, imagery and energy techniques to raise the well-being of a home or office. This ground-breaking space healing system was divinely shared with Kelly in 2011 by Archangel Michael as an extension to an Ascension system, Star Healing Intergalactic Energy™, another 5thD Ascension system. It is not feng shui. Rather, the angels answer to feng shui using Pleiadian vibrational frequencies.

Ascended Spaces™ Home Attunement will detoxify home or office space through the use of 5th dimensional Ascension energy and create prosperity, joy, peace and happiness. It will also clear residual emotional energies and/or the energies of entities inhabiting the space.

You do not need to be a Star Healing Intergalactic Energy™ Certified Practitioner to become an Ascended Spaces™ Home Attunement Certified Practitioner. Although, if you are already a Star Healing Intergalactic Energy™ practitioner, an Ascended Spaces™ Home Attunement Practitioner Certification offers you a comprehensive healing system for your clients homes and offices. When combined, the two healing systems will have the most positive, profound effect on your client’s holistic well-being.

“One happy home here, meditated with all candles lit after you left. Went out for bit when came back in…noticed even light joyous feeling even when I got out of my car outside.”

Included in your on-line course to become a certified practitioner:

  • Ascended Spaces™ Home Attunement System Course Guidebook, Course Agreement
  • Support & Tutorship via Skype, Google or Facebook Chat
  • Support and Guidance for up to 2 months after certification.
  • Ascended Spaces™ Home Attunement System Practitioner Certificate upon course completion

Ascended Spaces™ Home Attunement System On-line, Remote Certification Process

Ascended Spaces Training Tool Kit Kelly HamptonOnce you have booked your Ascended Spaces™ Home Attunement™ Practitioner Certification Course, you will receive Archangel Michael’s Ascended Spaces™ Home Attunement Guide Book to study. The guide book includes a list of essential tools that you will need to carry out your practical assignments for Ascended Spaces™ Home Attunement. Once you feel comfortable with the process, you will be required to use the Ascended Spaces™ Home Attunement System in a minimum of 3 private homes.

Once you have completed your 3 home or office attunements you will be required to submit your reports via email on each of your case studies. You will receive continued support and supervision during this process and any questions you may have will be answered. Ascended Spaces™ Home Attunement Practitioner Certification is the highest form of achievement for this program and upon completion of your studies and you are deemed at a competent, practitioner level you will receive your certificate of completion. As an Ascended Spaces™ Home Attunement System Practitioner, you will be certified to clear unwanted patterns or residual energy, reset the harmonious equilibrium and increase the prosperity within a space.

Additional Benefits
You can connect with Kelly Hampton & Archangel Michael to receive guidance, support and spiritual mentor-ship to help you build and grow as a healer and in other areas of your life, via the practitioner’s teleconference calls and always arrange for a refresher class at any time after your certification.


[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]You  may also make a payment by check within the USA.

Online Refresher Classes 

Online refresher classes are offered at any time a practitioner needs skill updating and are strongly recommeneded after one year. Your online refresher class may be conducted in a group via zoom or skype from anyone in the world or one on one. Each class is approximately 60 min. in length. A practitioner may enroll in as many number of class sessions as they feel they may need to enhance their practice.

$80 per 90 min.


You  may also make a payment by check within the USA.

Partial list of Documented Testimonials 

“My space feels 10 times better than before. I am not afraid of my own closet anymore. It is also so nice to see my son this happy and unafraid. Before, getting him to sleep was always difficult but last night (after the attunement/clearing), he just rolled over and fell asleep. He also normally flips out in the dark and today, for the first time, I saw him (playing) in the darkness. I was amazed! He is so much calmer.”

“There was a constant negative feeling in my home. At night I would always leave a couple of lights on and I could never get a good night’s sleep. During the night I would hear noises like people moving around and sometimes I would hear voices. I felt afraid being in my own home. The negative energy in our house made both my boyfriend and I irritable and we would argue a lot. When a practitioner came to my house and did a space attunement both my boyfriend and I felt lighter and happier. There was a drastic shift in energy from bad to good. At night I sleep like a baby and no longer feel afraid to shut all the lights off. My home is now calm and peaceful.”

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