Kelly Hampton | Energy Healer

What Is Ascended Spaces™?

The divinely given Ascended Spaces™ system is a powerful tool for creating abundance in your living space. Many can relate to existing techniques, like Feng Shui, to align a natural flow of energy in a space or area.  This program goes beyond creating a structural energetic balance by focusing on techniques to raise the overall vibration in a space thus clearing any lingering energy and establishes and energetic barrier through which only light and love can reside.  You can experience this amazing teaching, divinely given to Kelly by Archangel Michael. Ascended Spaces™ is Ascension energy that uses commands, crystals, oils, sound frequency and harmonic clusters to rid your home of attachments and create the higher vibrations of love and prosperity.

“The teachings are rooted in ancient wisdom.” – Archangel Michael.

Now, with this easy to follow channeled guide book from Archangel Michael you can learn how to apply powerful healing energy to your own home or office indoor spaces.  This program is suggested to compliment Star Healing Intergalactic Energy™ performed by Kelly or any of her certified practitioners.  The Ascended Spaces™ Home Attunement System, came to Kelly in 2011 from Archangel Michael and is referred to as “Feng Shui for the 21st Century!”  You will learn how to use sound, harmonics, semi-precious gems, oils, imagery, commands and body techniques to raise the well-being of your home or office. Great for Real Estate Agents or anyone wanting to clear space of lingering negative energy from previous owners, negative energy of entities that may occupy the space and especially from the toxins which are created by one’s thoughts.  Ascended Spaces™ will enhance all forms of prosperity within your home and small office space using the divinely given Pleiadian based system.  (Immediate Download PDF) You can also become an Ascended Spaces™ practitioner and join the growing global list of trained practitioners. You can purchase the electronic PDF version, to be sent directly to your email address.

Ascended Spaces™ Home Attunement Use Guide Book 



Espacios Ascendidos™ Manual Para Uso Personal 

What Others Have Experienced

“Before Jennifer (a practitioner of Kelly’s) came to my house, there was a constant negative feeling in my home. At night I would always leave a couple of lights on and I could never get a good night’s sleep. During the night I would hear noises like people moving around, and sometimes I would hear voices. I felt afraid in my own home. The negative energy in our house made both my boyfriend [and me] irritable, and we would argue a lot. There was a drastic shift in energy from bad to good. My boyfriend and I are much happier and no longer argue like we used to. At night I sleep like a baby and no longer feel afraid to shut all the lights off. My home is now calm and peaceful.”