Kelly Hampton | Energy Healer

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The time of Ascension is Upon Us!

New frequencies continue to reach our planet and transformations are taking place.  We may refer to this as Ascendancy–returning all to ONENESS. During this process, you may notice mental, physical and emotional changes within yourself or those around you. These changes are part of the normal cleansing and healing process; but are raising questions among those already experiencing change. Allow me to help you navigate and go deeper into the Ascension timeline through this 2 part free webinar.

A sampling of some of what we may cover:

  • discover more about Ashtar Command, one of the great protectors of the Earth
  • learn of your galactic lineage through direct channeling
  • understand Star Missions from the Sirians or Arcturians
  • keep current on where the Star Races feel we are with disclosure
  • discover the new astrology/astronomy system  from Archangel Michael called DOMINION
  • hear from the Sirians describe their role on our planet beginning with the time of the Mayan and Egyptian civilization
  • learn how to work with alchemy from many Ascended Masters, including Master Sananda (Christ)
  • current teachings about interstellar space travel and other technological advances
  • The true story of Mother Mary
  • Deeper understanding of light language and sacred geometry
  • Revelations of ancient mysteries
  • How to restore planetary crystalline grids

These are 2 totally FREE 90 min video webinars

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