Kelly Hampton | Energy Healer

Who is Kelly Hampton?

Kelly Hampton is an international teacher and healer. She first saw the face of Christ (Master Sananda) appear in a glass of water as a young child. During her youth she was also often visited by her Pleiadian family (though at the time she wasn’t fully aware of how or what “they” were nor of the important role they would play later in her life and for humanity). With the proven systems she’s been divinely given, Kelly has improved the lives of thousands of individuals, including business leaders, healthcare providers, athletes, Fortune 500 executives, and celebrities from all across the globe.

Kelly Hampton
Kelly Hampton Energy Healer

Kelly's Purpose

“I was 21 when I realized I could communicate with my mother, who had made her transition from the earth plane a few years earlier. Those connections were so IMPORTANT FOR MY HEALING and a monumental realization that life REALLY was eternal! These deeply moving connections to the other side continue to this day not only with my dear mother but all those who come through when called upon.  It took several years before I realized one part of my purpose was through mediumship.

Since those early years, I have come to also understand that my soul purpose is healer/teacher and that my star mission is to help the homeless.” ~ KH

Begin Your Journey With Kelly

Kelly has been gifted with many advanced 5thD-12thD systems as part of Earth’s Ascension, which she’s used to author numerous angelic books from Archangel Michael and to create new, star-infused healing products. Kelly also conducts transformative lightworker and starseed retreats, and—of course—intimate personal sessions.

One of the simplest ways to begin your journey with Kelly is by listening to a sampling of her Consciously Co-creating podcasts, where she sharesuniversal wisdom to help YOU co-create total abundance in all areas of your life; health, wealth, love, and self.

With the help of Archangel Michael, the entire ranking of angels, guides, Ascended Masters, Mother Earth, Christed Light Beings, and God Mind Creator, Kelly channels their wisdom in each episode for your personal and planetary growth—not only sharing divine guidance for you, but for our beloved animals. The following episodes are recommended as an introduction, though many across the globe have chosen to experience her entire podcast library (and everything else Kelly has to offer).

Continuing Your Introduction to Kelly’s Work Through Her Inspirational Book

Kelly has channeled multiple renowned books from mighty Archangel Michael after being awakening by him in the middle of the night 3 nights in a row many years ago. The following are  three, each filled with timeless and profound messages, available on this site and elsewhere  in multiple languages and multiple formats for your revelations. 

Into the White Light Kelly Hampton
2012 and Beyond Kelly Hampton
The Book of Animals Kelly Hamton