Kelly Hampton Energy Healer

[vc_row css=”.vc_custom_1592234734390{padding-top: 2% !important;}”][vc_column][vc_column_text]I did not feel the usual burning pain within my spinal column the first night after my healing that I usually do, whenever I lie down on my back in my bed!–Johanne W. S. Africa

What conditions improved from first session?

I definitely have not had any more constant hot flushes. Hormones seen to have improved.Plus, the pain in the centre of my back where the wings grow had gone and I have had this since the age of 25.I am sleeping very well.

I have had a significant reduction in the following health areas–Dermatitis on my hands has improved on 50 percent, Pain in left hip reduction 50 percent as is Sciatica on right side which only comes on now with yoga or when walking the dog. If I don’t do these, I’m ok. Carpal tunnel improved by 60 percent but comes if I pick up anything heavy which can mean grandkids but defiantly improved as it is not so bad., Body itch has improved 60 percent which we thought was related to menopause and hot flushes.

(In one week)…”Here is what I’ve been noticing/experiencing since our star healing session –My cervical spine moves easily side to side now and I no longer feel it’s out of alignment. Flexibility in my lumbar spine continues to improve.My feet are more comfortable in my orthotics; I no longer feel pain in my metatarsals.I had an old injury to the bridge of my nose, right side.  This feels healed now.Thank you so much!”–Love, Joy G.

The pain in my left jaw is also almost completely gone and for the first time in years my period pain has been much more bearable! –Anne Claire

I am feeling much more at peace with myself and enjoying a sense of ‘all is well’ in my world and the world at large despite what we hear on the news.
Releasing the fear codon is a large part of this newness.  It’s taken  awhile to release all of the dregs out of cellular memory and my Pleiadian family has been most helpful with this, even channeling messages of encouragement both day and night.  They now tell me what I’m feeling is what I’m mostly releasing for the collective.
It is so nice to live without the underlying feeling of anxiety and tension that I’ve always lived with…the ‘flight or fight’ stuff that one doesn’t even realize how active it is until it’s dissolved. So thanks a bunch to you and to AAMichael. Loads of love to you both…

“The minute I had booked a session with Kelly I felt work on me beginning. I am familiar with ​h​​ealings also this happening, but never experienced it so strong, all encompassing and thorough, as this time. Also, before the session actually began, some of the energetic tools Kelly works with, had already arrived in my awareness.​

All the time during the session Kelly is really ​t​here for you. Very kind, solid and without judgement – no words for it.  A lot happened and healed. For example many Reptilians’ left my system, not to come back. It’s also fun – and serious at the same time. Kelly uses for example, different types of tinctures. And I could sense the Frankincense and it’s effect.

​I saw beautiful big Lemons placed in my hands, when she switched to the Lemon tincture. All the while I am in the Netherlands, and Kelly in America.

I had booked a session because of trouble with my dental gums. Once we got to that point I really felt strongly that work on my gums was happening:
Kelly saw a structure being made there, I could feel it too. And I saw rubbish being taken out. And I felt: “the Beings who are doing this, do it with só much Love for me, and with so much Respect …” In awe I am.

Later Kelly suggested to make a ‘Star Travel’. I answered that I wasn’t so sure that’s my kind of thing. She replied:
​”​It’s you”. Ahh … ! That was soo clarifying! And than of course I went! I’m sure it will be different for everyone. For me, among other beautiful experiences, I saw  Atlantis, … Andromeda … and more beautiful Planets… Home Planet ? It doesn’t matter, since home is Source / All. And I met St Germain. He showed me things of great depth and also the Flame of Divine Love and all my Twin Flames around it. ​I knew they’re all here on Earth now​ and more, much much more.

All ‘enlightening’ wisdom, joy and even looks into the possible future. It was a beautiful healing experience. And everything Kelly did, or at least a lot, I could feel, sense and / or see. It was quite magical, strong and very creative. And in a lovely way very practical too‚ Home-Garden-Kitchen – like. Her simple practice of “Offering Love and Kindness to … ” is, I feel, simply what it is all about …

Love, DN  (The Netherlands)

“Food allergies are so much better. I can eat again and noticed the food allergies and intolerance was related to the auto immune stuff.” -Denise A.

(4 days later) “I’m very pleased to advise that both my knee and my toes are showing marked improvement. They haven’t felt this good for a long time. Also, my general spirit is up lifted as I’m always smiling and laughing thanks 2u.” –Ian N. UK

“Wow! After just 10 min. of the Pleiadian frequencies you shared with us in your group program, I could feel my heart continuing to open 30 days later! That’s powerful. I just had to let u know.” —An energy healer in Chicago, IL

“I have been blessed in my life to meet up with some of the finest healers on our planet, and trust me, you are truly one of them.

“Your purity, kindness, compassionate loving nature made you the perfect pick for our arch angelic and ascended master friends to channel through. Out of all the speakers on the radio shows I sometimes listen to, my Spirit called out for you. My body feels much stronger and massage has been wanting to come through my hands again, so I’ve given a couple with great success. AAMichael is again making himself known and I am thanking him often, especially for bringing you to my awareness. I honor you and am so so grateful for the many lives you are changing through love. May you always be blessed beyond your own expectations.” Lisa S.

“I am amazed and overflowing with gratitude for you and AAMichael”
“I bet you hear this all the time but I just had to tell you that you are really nice to work with & I am amazed and overflowing with gratitude for you and AAMichael & this opportunity. My right foot which has been very painful & I’ve been limping around for 3 months, is healing and almost back to normal this morning (1 day later)”- YAY!

“Also, totally out of character, my friend John after his Star Healing Intergalactic Energy session for the first time in history, putting his office, (which always looks like a cyclone has just come thru), into sorted stacks and into folders. Amazing! He didn’t know it was part of Ascended Spaces. Everyone I know could benefit from this amazing healing technique, especially my family, even cats. All this is very exciting!”–Love and blessings to you, Marcy

“No more anxiety or panic attacks.”
“No issue of anxiety or panic has come up. I have not felt again the anxiety and anguish; all is more tranquil. Likewise, with the panic attack – it has not repeated, and at my home everything is more calm. No issue of anxiety or panic has come up, for which I am very happy and grateful! In the mornings I awaken very calm, not like before, when I had felt restlessness and sadness.” – P. from Peru

“Panic subsided, my intuition increased.”

“More peace and calm, happier, anxiety/ panic subsided, my intuition increased, there were improvements in my clairs and connections   My bladder is so much better! Eyesight (astigmatism) may have improved as well.”—Barbara Carr

“Guilt I carried for years is gone. I am finally living my life for myself.”
“I believe star healing intergalactic Energy is a wonderful healing system and I feel it healed my stomach issues and also my emotional issues. I have given up all the guilt and silliness I carried around for years for no reason at all and it has made me a lot more peaceful and joyful. I feel like for the first time in my life I am going to live my life for myself and I think that is one of the healing aspects I got from this star healing was peace in my soul and it really helped liberate me and lead me to my true essence.” – Thank you so much, Nancy Upshaw

“Insecurities and sadness left with the energy causing my headaches.”
“When I got up after my ½ session, the pain and feeling of “misalignment” in my left leg was gone. When you removed my 4th D layers I felt my insecurities and sadness leaving as you did this. My back was straightened and I felt the energy moving out causing my headaches. I saw and felt gold dust from Archangel Michael’s Golden Umbrella sift into my DNA! I experienced a deep feeling of joy being in Pleaidian energy again!”
– Isabelle Doucet

“Anxiety is gone, insomnia and digestive issues have gotten better and I’ve lost 15 pounds!”
“Definitely feeling more peace & calm. During the session & ever since, I noticed it was easier to breathe. When Kelly said she was removing the Saran Wrap around me, I instantly felt expanded as if I the “shrink wrap” packaging had been totally removed. This has continued & I feel less sensitive to environmental allergens. The next thing I noticed was how “chilled out” I became. I seem to have a Type A (and lately it was Type A+++!) temperament & after my session, I felt so “laid back” Type B. I always admired how relaxed the Type B’s appeared & wanted to be that easy-going, comfortable & relaxed–and now I am—I’d say 85% of the time! Amazing!! Along the same lines was my issue of harsh & critical self-judgment &subsequently judgment & evaluation of others & their actions. Even though I kept my opinions to myself. I still felt badly for having these feelings & then criticized myself for doing this. It seemed to be almost a reflex behavior as I didn’t set out to be or want to be the evaluator of the world!!Well, that is all GONE!!! I first noticed it within less than 24 hours! This attitude has continued with noticing things, but not going to judgment. I used to awaken nearly every night with varying degrees of anxiety from disorientation to absolute panic. This has completely disappeared. Again, my absolute gratitude!!!!”

“I awaken refreshed & feel I sleep better now. Reduced craving for sugar & carbs. I am also eating no carbs (except those found in low glycemic veggies) & not missing them. I don’t feel any nervous energy around needing to snack or go rummaging for food. Bringing more JOY into my life. Spending my days in more joy-filled activities. Very excited to re-focus on stones & crystals–a lifelong love of mine. I am back to my “get-er-done” mode of operations. I had fallen into such a perfectionist, procrastination state of delaying & anguishing to do things perfectly–and never doing them! Now when I think of starting to postpone, I check myself & say, “just do it” and it is done well–and most importantly, it gets done!!!;) This seems to relate to the releasing of self-judgment. Again, how freeing this is!!!!”

“Have released about 15 pounds since my Star Healing session a month ago. (After one session) My insomnia is very much improved. Digestive problems are very much improved. I do not get acid reflux as frequently as I used to. “—Joanne Herrmann, USA

“I’ve been given ‘new legs’ and have an increase in clarity.”
“So much lightness and increased clarity following (our Star session). This is Day 4 which is the day given by AAMichael and the Council of Light as the processing and integration time line for the healing of my legs. I purchased your package from Darius YOU WEALTH REVOLUTION. It is still flowing in light language, geometric shapes, colour and codes. My NEW legs lol feel light and stronger. My whole body/mind/ soul/ spirit feels revitalized /renewed. Seeing Metatron’s cube and the flower of life and seed patterns and Pyramids especially the Great Pyramid when you opened the Star Gazes for me to go through. The Pleiadians can do their cellular repair at the speed of light. Much Love xoxo”
-Lorrie M. Ontario Canada.

“I can see energy movement around things more regularly and I’ve attracted new opportunities into my life!”
” I have had a the greater sense of peace and calm in my life since my first healing appointment, as well as the ability to reset myself more easily when I am upset or feeling negative about something. I also feel like my vibration has been reset much higher than it was when I started and I am actually seeing more energy movement around things which is something new. It’s as if I can see the life force or vitality being radiated in the air between me and something else. I used to see it randomly but now I see it regularly. It is very powerful, and sometimes I think I have seen the outline or shape of other light beings. The other thing that has happened since my healing is that I have attracted or manifested a couple of opportunities to me which I feel is a direct result of being clearer as well as vibrating higher.Thank you and bless you!”–Kasey Capener, USA

“My self-esteem and courage have increased as well as my self-love.”
“I am happier and feel lighter overall (since my Star Healing sessions). I love the angel wings and halo I received as well as the springs and my feather of protection! My self esteem and courage have increased and my self love has as well. I am inspired to lighten up my space (using Ascended SpacesTM) and I am perfectly healthy now. Thank you, thank you.”
–Maria, Northport FLA

“This is the “something more” I’ve been looking for.”
“This is so fascinating. I have studied many energetic healing’s–Theta, DNA and I feel as if I have been waiting for something more. What Kelly is saying makes so much sense to me….one of the children time travels in his sleep and he is clairaudient and clairconsciouness and I know I need an upgrade! Thank you.”
Cynthia, Greenock, Scotland

“My physical problems are gone or have improved.”
“The Star Healing session with you was a wonderful experience! During my healing session I was seeing colors and forms. At first there were sprays of green shooting upward. Then I was seeing cube shapes – transparent colors with symbols inside. The first ones were green, then appeared in a succession of colors with different symbols inside each color (the actual symbols did not register consciously), ending with pink cubes containing red hearts. The physical problems you worked on were: Clenched jaw. The next morning I woke up with my teeth NOT touching for the first time in years! Foot alignment (esp the left foot): I can tell that correction were made structurally, because I had some muscle aches in my left leg, just like when the podiatrist prescribed shoe inserts–muscles realigning because the foot is held in a different, corrected position. Now, I am feeling a pulling sensation in my left knee when I sit back on my heels- like in yoga class. Thank you so much for bringing this new healing into the world.
“–Debbie Antantis

Jurate, Reconnective healer comments on her first experience with Star Healing.

“My social anxieties have improved – standing up for my own needs and experiencing more peace.”
“Much less anxious socially, noticed it in women’s group. Decreased critical voice, decreased thoughts about the negative past. Increased self acceptance, understanding and kindness toward self. Taking initiative in approaching people, expressing self to people I previously was anxious about. More frequently standing up for my own needs. My life seems more peaceful and smooth, with clearer communication with myself and others. Thank You So Much.”
—Nancy Renn

“My knee and leg pain have improved!”
“Since the healing I have been feeling peaceful and calm. My legs have been a lot less painful, particularly my knees.”
–Pauline Rieniet USA

“More powerful than The Reconnection.” —Linda Pullano. Certified Star Healing Practitioner, USA

You shape shifted into AAMichael, then Christ, then Ashtar. I don’t know who you are, or what planet you came from, but I am so glad you are here.” — Poco Taylor, Star Healing Certified Practitioner

In my 45 years as a healer, this is the most powerful healing system I have ever experienced!” –Gwendolyn Hill, Certified Star Healing Intergalactic Energy Practitioner, New Mexico, USA

“My pain subsided and I felt more joyful, peaceful and filled with wonder.”
“My jaw pain got better from cavities. I felt more joyful, peaceful and filled with wonder, having a lot of synchronistic events during that week as well. I noticed during the reading as Archangel Michael answered my questions I could hear the air pressure around me change which reminded me when I tune in to my own angels.”
–Melissa Mayhew

“Wowie Zowie, I’m amazed at the level of frequency in the healing. “
“I had a channeling session with (Kelly Hampton) and a week ago had the healing. Wowie Zowie, I’m amazed at the level of frequency in the healing. People need to hear about this modality and have the opportunity to try it for themselves! Abundant blessings.”
—Laura Dillard

” I don’t have the sugar cravings as often & don’t feel as hungry.”
“I do have more peace & calm. I don’t have the sugar cravings as often & don’t feel as hungry. I do the offering love & kindness and also have used the Golden Halo. I have done the home attunement but need to go around the house again this week. I am so glad I did this, thank you so much!”
Bonnie Gogerty

“During the energy transmission known as “The Journey” I felt a gentle loving, even soft energy flowing spiraling into my crown chakra, tingling my skin…fairie and elfin-faerie enjoying the energies. Thank you Archangel Michael.” –Carolyn Kitchener, ON

“It’s like a miracle!”
“Again, thousand thanks you to you and beloved Archangel Michael for my outstanding yesterday healing session. Today, I woke up so happy, thanked God for your beautiful presence in my life, prayed AAM’s prayers from The White Light book. I slept much better, and the pain I had been feeling around the heart area practically disappeared!!! Like a miracle!!!”
– Lucero Ackerman USA

“I went up in the elevator when you did the Journey. The doors opened and there was a gold round temple with a clear solid quartz bed inside in which I laid on. It was very peaceful.” —Julie, Denmark

“The session felt powerful! I definitely felt shift from the session. For the first few days it felt like a deteriorating of the self, or that mind-dissolving feeling. It is good to have my energy moved. I do feel my breast has definitely improved, which made me really happy!” —Fiona Carnie

“Yes Hurrah thank you!!!!!! Wow (the healing was) so special nice and exciting. l love you.” —Karin, Nibe

“I felt a strong energetic charge on the soles of my feet going up the elevator.” —Donna, Jamaica

“I’ve been experiencing panic attacks for months and was over stressed and wasn’t able to work, go out or do the housework. I went to different doctors to be given treatment though. To be honest I really enjoyed and loved the Star Healing Intergalactic EnergyTM session. During and after the session I was able to feel the energy of the angels, healing angels as well as AAMichael’s presence. Kelly was lovable and compassionate and ready to help me even when to see each other or to meet each other is quite complicated because I live in Argentina, south America. I was given a remote session. So, if you have the chance to take a session, do go for it!! Even if you have no pains or problems you should try AAMichael’s healing method, to experience peacefulness and gratitude. Blessings dear friend and keep on spreading this healing method around the world!! Namaste.”—Claudia Gómez, Resistencia-Chaco, Argentina


[colored_box variation=”steelblue”]”We both thank you very much. He is such a blessing to me and shows a lot to me that I need to learn, so his well being means so much more than I could explain.” –Lucy and Juniper, CA[/colored_box]

[colored_box variation=”blue”]”Geedo, my dog, is listening more now than before (and it’s only been a few days since his Star Healing). Not only when I talk to him outside about coming back to her (off leash) but also when we are laying in bed and ‘talking’.” –Kathy and Geedo[/colored_box]

[colored_box variation=”steelblue”]“After Kelly’s remote Star session with Jasper, my beloved cat who had arthritic hips and wasn’t eating, all have improved. I am so impressed with this system! Thank you, Kelly and Archangel Michael.” — Julie Ann T. Michigan[/colored_box]

[colored_box variation=”blue”]I felt Puff’s new sense of self-confidence and empowerment.

The most profound change (after Puff’s Star Healing) I noticed was the issue of my daughter’s dog chasing him. I was out on the patio with Puff and the dog, Brody. Neither of them even flinched. Puff sauntered around and Brody barely noticed him. At one point, they were staring at each other. I felt Puff’s new sense of self-confidence and empowerment. It was really awesome! I didn’t tell anyone else in the house about the healing session just to see if they noticed anything different. My son and daughter both commented on the shift in relationship between Puff and Brody. That was the point that I told them about Puff’s session.” –Shelby Holter[/colored_box]

[colored_box variation=”steelblue”] Last week on your show AA did an energy transmission for my kitty. His left eye had a serious ulcer. Initially, the emergency veterinarian mentioned to me that if I had not brought him in for treatment there could have been risk of me having to take him to an ophthalmologist and risk of him losing his eye. 3 days later, I took him in for an evaluation from his regular veterinarian, they said that there was no trace of the ulcer and all was fine. He was to finish out the rest of his meds, to just keep an eye on him and he could return to his regular activities, minus the awful collar he had to wear. In 3 days?…. I absolutely think the healing was a miraculous help.” J. T. [/colored_box]

[colored_box variation=”blue”]The farrier came to our barn today and Susan asked him how his horse Clayton was after his Star Healing Equine Session and his response was, “He ran away from me the other day. All the way back to the paddock. Someone asked him if that made him mad and he said no, it was a miracle! He was bucking yesterday. He said he didn’t know what u did because he didn’t believe in that stuff but it is working. All I can say is wow! His arthritis was so bad he was going to put him down this spring because he was out of options and now he is riding him! Simply amazing!” – Shayne Gray – Certified Star Healing Energy Equine Healer[/colored_box]

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