Kelly Hampton | Energy Healer

Kelly's Retreat Testimonials

“Over a Diamond shaped Grid, we scattered blue, white and purple feathers over the waters of the Lake (projecting to all planetary water bodies) to purify them… The birds came to us. During another phase of the work we became a Human Tambourine, around the lake. Afterwards, we noticed the chemical trails above were gone, the viscosity of the shore waters was reduced, the gentle waves were babbling (singing!).– Retreat Participant”

“I am honored and grateful to have been a part of it. The ripples go out endlessly, and just as a Great Awareness has been rooted, there is an urge to integrate the multi-dimensional learnings into every aspect of our lives. Kelly’s loving commitment to impart Archangel Michael’s wisdom is inspiring and empowering. The sharing of experiences by the awakened and wonder-full Souls who participated from all over were like rainbow showers, glorious fun.”– Catherine C

“How exciting it was that Kelly (AAM) revealed the names of 7 Guides for each, while we enjoyed an evening at Nina’s. One of mine is Mary Magdalene. She had been in my consciousness for over a month, even before I met someone who was Martha at the time of Jesus, and who, of course, knew Mary Magdalene! I am deeply honored.”

“I am here to serve Source with all my heart, with all my soul. I came here to find my way to Ascension. I am here to be of service, thanks to the remarkable training by Archangel Michael and Kelly Hampton I feel I grew and learnt while enjoying that subtle combination of beauty and knowledge. I am different since the time at Mount Shasta by the way I act, the way I think.” — Lucero, T.

Who wouldn’t want to be nurtured by a powerful and loving Mega Angel for 3 days, in pristine Nature with all vibrant elements? Mt. Shasta was a journey of Oneness, bridging Earth and Heaven. The exercises, visualizations, invocations, energy work, etc., created a deeper level of connection to our Higher Self and, as Humanity which we are, a higher involvement in the service the Planetary Guides and Protectors are performing during this Great Shift.”–Retreat participant

“Visiting the crop circle was on the top of my bucket list and the diversity of places we visited.”–Pat Tocco

“What have I learned from this experience? That women will change the world and already are. Thank you for an amazing journey into the sacred space of my soul. My heart expanded and I leave England with a sense of awe and gratitude and appreciation for all that aligned to bring us together.”–Patrice Tenbroek

“My favorite experiences during our journey were my encounter with Master Jesus at the (holy thorn) tree and in the Glastonbury church while dowsing. What one word describes this journey? Expansive.”–Marcia Walton

“I participate in a series of meditation activating portals and just before the retreat took part in a pineal tones choir which is linked to the Gastonbury null and the energetic Pleiadian time capsule places there. Your retreat came up and felt very synchronistic. I am so excited to have created this wonderful adventure for myself! (Post journey:) “The whole trip was hugely expansive and I felt like we had stepped into Lord of the Rings! Discovering the crop circle was probably a once in a lifetime experience. The magical walk to the coast through the fairy path, followed by the Boscawen Un stone circle will also stay in my memory. Thank you! Blessed Be.”–Marian G –Diane Mallet

“Downloads from Mother Mary at the altar, chanting “om mani padme hum” at the crop circle, chanting and hearing the strength of my voice, receiving my energetic tools from Kelly and putting them to use,channeled messages from Mary Magdalene, Mother Mary and Yeshua were all favorite experiences of mine. I loved the time in our van when Kelly shared more teachings and offerings through her stories. Holding the nautilus shell in circle the last day as Kelly as directed, with all of our hands together in final ceremony, feeling a strong presence of Mother Mary and really ALL that was offered.”–Carolyn

“The sisterhood and the understanding that we were accomplishing something important were among my favorite experiences.”–Debbie

“Everything was my favorite! The synchronicity and magic of the group, how divinely supported we were. Glastonbury Abbey brought tears of joy. I felt like I had returned home. Theo the Giant playing with me.” –Wendy L.

“The teachings and channelings Kelly shared from Archangel Michael, Jesus, The Council of 9-12 and others. Meeting and spending time with everyone.”–Jean H.

“Every moment was truly a huge gift!”–Susan C.

“The Abbey in Glastonbury was one of my favorite experiences. I learned from this journey that people have so much more depth than you can possibly know if you don’t spend time with them. I’ve learned that women are so courageous and resilient in their personal journeys through life. I’ve learned that every person has something to teach us.Thank you Kelly for sharing your gifts with us and for just being you. I would do it again with you!”–Ingrid

“Magical is the one word I would use to describe this journey. What did I learn about others from this experience? That we are all one at the core whatever exterior we present to the world. The whole trip was hugely expansive and it felt like we had stepped into Lord of the Rings. The crop circle was a once in a lifetime experience and I felt wonder, awe and a powerful connection to my Galactic brothers and sisters.”–Marian

I love it that it actually feels sacred in our surroundings since I have done Ascended Spaces™, the kids are playing together joyfully and I can hear them laughing together. This is so warming for the heart! More than ever before, there has been less fighting between them. I love it that it actually feels sacred in our surroundings. I feel confident that AAM lead me to you. Life has been magical!” — Melody Tharp, Ascended Spaces™ Certified Practitioner