Kelly Hampton Energy Healer

What Is Star Healing Intergalactic Energy™?

These ground-breaking powerful energy healing systems for people, small animals and equines were founded by Kelly Hampton who received these systems from Archangel Michael in 2010 and 2011. Part of the purpose of these family of Ascension systems are to restore a greater sense of peace and calm which originates from the Star Galaxy or the Pleaidian Galaxy.  “Where there is peace and calm there can be no illness in the body.” Since that time, thousands of people around the world have been  helped or healed, some instantaneously calling the energy “A Miracle. As the systems for equines and small animals continue to grow globally as well, the same results are being witnessed.  It is, as Archangel Michael states, Ascension Energy and different than other forms of energy healing. Kelly also received Ascended Spaces™ from Archangel Michael in 2011, another Ascension system for your home to create abundance. It is as the angel suggests, “The angelic answer to feng shui for the times we are living in using Ascension principles.”

Unlike traditional healing modalities, Star Healing Intergalactic Energy™ transmits galactic energy from the Pleiadian and other loving light realms.  Angels are present during a healing, Ascended Masters of all cultures are present, loving Supreme Beings are present. It involves energetic techniques divinely shared with Kelly, sacred symbols, sound, gems, crystals and essential oils to transform bodies from a 3rd Dimensional vibration to a 5th Dimensional vibration (or higher)—that of pure love! This is Christ or Cosmic Christ Interdimensional healing for 2012 and Beyond.

Benefits of Star Healing Intergalactic Energy™

Individuals (and animals) who are stepping into this healing system are experiencing improvements in all types of body, mind and spirit conditions.  Here is just a partial list of areas proven to experience results from Star Healing Intergalactic Energy™ which some are calling as producing miracles!

  • Reduction or Elimination of Cancer
  • Tumor Reduction or elimination
  • Circulatory Disorders
  • Clairvoyance Enhancement
  • Immune System Dysfunction
  • Asthma and Other Respiratory Conditions
  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
  • Allergies
  • Tissue detoxification
  • Existing 3-4 D chakra system updated
  • Soul Traumas from Abuse and other Emotional Damage
  • Addictions including Smoking, Alcoholism, Drug Addiction
  • Compulsions, Fears and Phobias of all types
  • Anxiety disorders
  • High Spectrum Integration–Often Identified as Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) and (ADHD), Asperger’s syndrome
  • Memory Impairment
  • Body Aches and Pains including Arthritis and Slipped Disks
  • Sleep Disturbances
  • Depression
  • Migraines
  • Gallstones and Kidney Stones
  • Hearing Loss
  • Cataracts, glaucoma
  • Infections and Viruses
  • Nerve Damage

In addition, many of those participating in this healing experience travel to their original 5th Dimensional homes experiencing cellular, molecular bliss, peace and calm.  Some have recalled going through star gates, receiving key code activations, having implants removed and returned to Source. The benefits of Star Healing come to everyone differently–some receive instantaneous and permanent healing, others see benefits in days, weeks, months, and extending into decades per Archangel Michael as this is cellular, molecular healing work. It is an advanced modality that may be give up to 3 times for people per Archangel Michael, each session elevated above the previous one, and up to 2’xs for small animals and equines. Star Healing Intergalactic Energy 2, has been promised to Kelly which will incorporate the light worker’s sound language,  harmonic codes, shields, tones, new colors for healing. It is infinitely wise and limitless healing–God Source/Infinite Mind.

To experience this for yourself or for your animals or equines, visit our Directory of Certified Practitioners who have been trained personally by Kelly. Presently, Kelly Hampton is the only authorized person to conduct intensive training certification workshops of healers.

Become a Certified Star Healing Intergalactic Energy Practitioner

Theses family of systems from Archangel Michael are powerful additions to your holistic healing practice.  Kelly has taught Star Healing to practitioners worldwide – from the USA to the UK, Australia to South Africa.

There are three systems currently: for individuals, training to conduct healing with small animals and training to conduct various levels for equines.  Additional certification courses are being created all the time, so check back often if you have healing experience.
Click on each image to learn more about the courses.

Certified Star Healer - Level 1Certified Healer Small AnimalsStar-Healing-Cert--Horse


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