Given to me by Archangel Michael in 2010, this system will enable you to heal more people, and build a thriving healing practice or expand your present practice.
Hi, I’m Kelly Hampton. I AM a channel for Christ Consciousness, medium, spiritual author and Alchemist. I love helping animals, individuals of all ages, as well as train light workers around the world and encourage them to step into a greater expansion of themselves as Archangel Michael did with me many years ago. Since 2010, I have been working with energy healers and light-workers from around the world to teach this advanced healing modality which Archangel Michael shared with me encompassing Christ Consciousness, Oneness, Ascension Energies.
“It gives me great joy to spread these magnificent healing systems.” – Kelly Hampton
My courses are unique to other modalities like Reiki and The Reconnection because they go several levels higher. They are a perfect addition to the skills of healers with previous healing experience wishing to add a revolutionary new 5thD healing system to their practices.
Welcome Energy Healer, Holistic Practitioner and Future Star Healer!
Through this course I will teach a powerful, ground-breaking 5th D (return to pure love) magnified healing system which was given to me in 2010 for our planet from Archangel Michael. This course once completed, will enable you to conduct first attunements for children and adults either remotely or in person. Several other online courses are in development as well within the system so that all levels and extensions will be made available to learn at your own pace if you so desire to continue and go deeper. Please check back often or feel free to contact my office for more information on these courses. Star Healing Intergalactic EnergyTM has course extensions including second level attunement training, and third level attunement which is considered advanced training. I am also intending to add my workshop assistant course to my online courses in this modality for those who are interested in assisting me conduct large live workshop training.
Since its inception, thousands of people have been helped or healed as a result. There continues to be a growing list of MY TRAINED global practitioners in all levels. This complete Home Study Course includes videos, PDFs, mp3 and live time to me to ensure your mastery. Presently, the youngest practitioner is 23 years of age and the oldest is in her 70’s with healers residing in 5 continents, including Germany, UK, South Africa, USA, Canada and Australia. Are YOU going to become the first practitioner in South America? Japan? Belgium? France Sweden and beyond?
With Loving Gratitude,
This new modality has also expanded to include small animals and equines; each with its own protocol. I invite you to consider any or all of these optional extensions as we move together to help heal our world and all within it by helping others ascend into Christ Consciousness or Cosmic Christ frequencies. This is an intensive energy healing modality—infinite in its knowledge and power. If a student has completed all levels and demonstrates a thorough understanding of all the principles, I am extending a very limited number of unique opportunities for those QUALIFIED healers to be certified to also TEACH THIS MODALITY TO OTHERS. There is no rush to master these concepts. “You will know if you are ready.”—Archangel Michael
Star Healing Intergalactic EnergyTM training consists of a 7-module diploma course. This program is designed to help you start your new practice and offer Star Healing Intergalactic EnergyTM in your community. If you already have an existing healthcare practice, you will learn ways you can incorporate Star Healing into it.
If you are interested in healing yourself on a greater level, I highly recommend enrolling in Star Healing Intergalactic EnergyTM to become a certified practitioner. I am so grateful to have had this opportunity to learn from Kelly; her devotion to this system from Archangel Michael enables her to inspire commitment and passion into those she teaches. She is thorough, patient and flexible which allows a greater capacity for learning. Being able to offer Star Healing to others has brought so many blessings in my life and because of this, I have signed up to be certified in Ascended SpacesTM and am looking so forward to that too. I just can’t say enough good things about it! Thank you Archangel Michael and Kelly for God’s wisdom you both are sharing! So grateful!—Melodie Tharp, Certified Practitioner in First and Second Attunements, Missouri, USA
Q. If the world is Ascending Archangel Michael why is there a need for a new powerful healing system like Star Healing Intergalactic EnergyTM?
A. “Because the vast majority of souls and animals will not ascend and for those who have made a soul contract to do so, it will make their Ascension easier by providing them with a sacred heart opening of a magnified nature.”–ARCHANGEL MICHAEL
At least 15 Christed Light Races are present currently in addition to the Pleiadians. This is as Archangel Michael states, Ascension, Christ Energy- Consciousness—reconnecting to pure love 5thD. “You may continue to read an old textbook (other forms of healing) or you may pick up a new textbook. I invite you to pick up the new text book. You will know if you are ready. Bring the Indigo, Rainbow, Crystalline, Atlantean and diamond children too. They know this system as they know their names.”—AAMichael
The Pleiadians, Arcturians, Andromedans, Lyrians and other light races present during your session (at least 15) will work with Galactic Light Codes and Light language — light, sound, sacred geometry and universal Source to work on a variety of conditions at once. They do this healing work at the speed of light. Additionally, many Ascended Masters as well as angels into infinity will be present. Some may see or hear these codes. However, you do not need to as we connect to the the Great Central Sun and all that is.
As the modality is a non-touch treatment, with your diploma you will be able to get insurance or extend your existing one to cover this therapy if you desire. Everyone is advised in the terms and conditions to check with your states OR your country’s regulations to see what licenses you may need if any.
Once you finish the Star Healing Intergalactic EnergyTM course, we will refer to you any clients who live in your area. You are invited to join my Face book community group to support you and sign up for my Star Healing Intergalactic EnergyTM newsletter exclusively for the Star Healing Intergalactic EnergyTM family to keep you informed and updated. Apply to become the featured healer of the month!
You will get the videos to watch how the treatment is given. You will have two e-books, as well as additional PDF’s including starter marketing materials, and MP3’s so that you can easily set up in practice as a Star Healing Intergalactic EnergyTM practitioner. In this course I will take you step-by-step through the various modules so that you can learn this effective advanced energy healing system from the Stars. The majority of the training material is prepared in English, with some training material prepared in Spanish as well.
Additionally, I will need to have a live two hour session with you prior to sending your certificate of mastery. This will be conducted via Skype so that I can see you implementing your training during a session, which you may do remotely with a volunteer— AT LEAST ONE VOLUNTEER SESSION TO BE OVERSEEN per student—possibly more. Each healer I’ve trained is a bit different and everyone learns differently. We will also devote one hour to questions and answers about the guide books. View this as an exam to help ensure your mastery of this system. As stated, refresher courses are always available to each student at any time, should you desire additional practice and especially useful if there is a gap in your energy healing work.
1. Getting to know you (click here to download application form). Please download the form, fill in and return the form to Kelly’s office at
2. Everyone must be attuned to the frequencies through an hour-long remote session by founder, Kelly. If you have not been attuned, click here to download and return your intake form.
Click here to arrange your remote attunement with Kelly. Please return your personal intake form to her office at and to schedule your time together and add Kelly to your skype contacts as kelly.a.hampton. All individual attunements will be conducted in CST or CDT/St. Louis, MO. For your convenience, we have a time conversion link for you: We ask that your personal attunement be conducted at least several days prior to course enrollment. This will give you a better idea of what to expect during a session and will also help you Ascend!
3. The course is designed for energy healers with experience. This is not a system for beginners. “You cannot run a marathon, without having run a race,” Archangel Michael. We can recommend correspondence courses if you do not, and will welcome your return at a later date.
4. Star Healing Intergalactic EnergyTM is a professional practitioner’s course and not designed for you to teach it unless you have completed all the extensions and exhibit a mastery of all and your application has been approved. YOU ARE ASKED TO SIGN AND RETURN MY COURSE TERMS DOCUMENT. Please read carefully, especially regarding the agreement for a one time first year re-certification process (click here for the agreement paper). I look forward to personally instructing you in this revolutionary healing modality from the stars which can and has produced miraculous healing results for thousands of clients around the world.
5. Recommend working knowledge of Ascended SpacesTM the other Ascension system shared with me in 2011. These two systems are meant to go together.
6. Reading of my second book from Archangel Michael, 2012 and Beyond: The Truth from Archangel Michael. “YOU CANNOT LEARN THAT WHICH YOU DO NOT KNOW,” ARCHANGEL MICHAEL
7. Return and signature of the Code of Ethics (click here to download code of etchics for practitioners) and Course Terms documents (click here to download the terms agreement)
8. Healer are required to secure the necessary approved tools for this course. The list of tools will be given on the membership site.
9. The options for payment are via Paypal, money orders or a snail mail payment for enrolling students residing in USA.
Module 1: Welcome
Module 2: Begin The Session
Module 3: Continuation of Techniques
Module 4: Spot Treating
Module 5: Splitting Sessions/Reporting
Module 6: Certification Process
Module 7: Marketing
You will be provided access to the membership site once your payment is received. You will have an access for lifetime to the membership site. Our course includes:
1. Video tutorials
2. E-book manuals and handouts
3. Mp3’s
4. Email support for 3 months
5. Two hours live session prior to certification
6. Star Healing Intergalactic Energy™ Healer Certificate
7. Become Star Healing Intergalactic EnergyTM family on Facebook community group exclusively for certified healers and also receive exclusive newsletters to keep you informed and updated.
Star Healing Intergalactic Energy™ Complimentary first year membership in the Star Energy Healers Private Network for ongoing support, mentoring and healer collaboration, complimentary Ascended Spaces™ Manual, Web Badge 1st Attunement listing in our Online Certified Star Healing Intergalactic Energy™ Healer Directory, Affilliate Opportunities.
As 2012 approaches and subsequently in the immediate time past 2012, as a result of these shifting, renewing, globally conscious energies, there will be less war, less famine, less hatred, less poverty, fewer diseases. When you read about, when you hear conjecture and speculation about 2012 and beyond, which says that the world is coming to an end, I would agree to that with this point of distinction: the world as you know it is coming to an end. –Archangel Michael.
I really loved this book and the other one Into the White Light. I didn’t want to put the book down not even to go to the restroom. Once I started I did not want to stop. I will read this over and over, cover to cover and I don’t do that…once I have read a book I’m done except for going back to look something up. It was wonderful to have all my feelings and thoughts get a conformation. You do need to have an open mind and yes somethings you don’t want to hear but you knew deep down that was the case anyway. It was a fast and easy read a few typos but a great book. A must read! I say if you read only one book in your life it needs to be this one. Just a wonderful read and I felt hopeful, loved, very positive and a high vibration feeling almost like a buzzing feeling. I just can’t say enough wonderful things about this book you just have to read it for yourself. I have just ordered 3 more of each book for my friends and family. I did meet Kelly at a Mind, Body and Spirit Expo and it was the first I had even learned of her books and I was drawn to get them. Good thing because at this time you can’t even get them from a book store you either have to order them here on get it on kindle but only 2012 or go to Kelly’s website. I think I did hear about it being an ebook too. The last thing I can tell you is get it, get it and get it!-Kellie Mitchell
Even though it’s 2015 when I first read this book, the material is important for all of us today on our ascension journeys. I felt so much comfort while reading this and even experienced some energy shifts. Looking forward to the next edition.-Pachamama
Kelly Hampton reveals some interesting comments from Archangel Michael about the world’s future, weather, wars, diseases coming and so forth. You have to read her other book, “Into the White Light,” about what else Michael has to say, too.- Barbara Fifield
This book gives much information of the rising of our conscious. It explains many of the questions you have been asking yourself. If you plan on reading this book, I would suggest that you first read Ms. Hampton’s other book, “into the White Light- the Revelations of Archangel Michael”. For those of you that feel called to explore the new earth frequency, vibration, or ascension spiritually, this would be a good place to start. It will be eye-opening and thought provoking. Read with an open mind and know that if you are called to read these “teachings” you are ready or you would not be called to do so. I myself read both books in 2 sittings. In Love and Light. Namaste. – Diane Mallett
In this 60 minute Audio Kelly Hampton channels wisdom about the Rainbow, Indigo, Crystalline and Altlantean Children from Archangel Michael. Through this message you will learn:
Learn from the Founder of this REVOLUTIONARY MODALITY at Your Own Pace in the Comfort of Your Home!
You might be thinking that all of this advanced training would cost you a proverbial arm and a leg…especially considering the cost of Star Healing Intergalactic Energy™. I’m here to tell you—at least for now—that it won’t!
You probably already know that going to school and learning in person is expensive (not to mention time-consuming). It typically costs a student between $1000 and $4000 to achieve teacher status… Star Healing Intergalactic Energy™ Practitioner status is even more expensive! So you might be surprised to hear that the cost of this program is not $1000….
The entire Star Healing Intergalactic Energy™ course is normally priced at an incredible $799—which is a fraction of what you would normally pay for formal training… However, I want EVERYONE to have the opportunity to experience the healing power of Star Healing Intergalactic Energy™, and that’s why I’ve decided – for a limited time – I’m going to lower the price EVEN FURTHER to just $444!
Think about this: For the price of $15 or less every day for a month, you could change your life and help heal the people you love!
I believe in this program so much that I’m giving you a complete access to the entire program and all the bonuses at my risk, not yours!
I’m willing to do this because I believe it could truly show you how to heal with Star Healing Intergalactic Energy™
include all the modules, video tutorials, e-book manuals and handouts, MP3's, live session before certification, email support, certificate and Facebook community
Special Price USD$ 800
Make Your Secure Payment Today via PayPal!
The most powerful healing system I have experienced in my 45 years as a healer. I have been offering healing for body, mind, emotion and spirit for 30 years, using touch, breath-work sound and hands-on energy. Star Healing Intergalactic Energy™ uses some of those same healing modalities, but takes the vibration to a whole new level, to the 5th dimension and higher. It has become a wonderful ascension tool to add to my offerings as a healer. I feel very honored to be included in this listing.—Gwendolyn Hill, Certified Practitioner in First and Second Attunements, New Mexico 2013
Having successfully studied six healing modalities, I find Star Healing Intergalactic EnergyTM to be the most profound. This is God energy. I am grateful to Archangel Michael and to Kelly for sharing this with the world, as I know that I was meant to continue this important work. Being in the first Star Healing class in 2010 was exciting; especially with how much more this healing modality has grown! I would recommend this training to anyone interested in expanding their abilities. Thank you Archangel Michael and thank you Kelly.—Linda Pullano, Certified Practitioner in First and Second Attunements, Rhode Island USA
I completed my 1st and 2nd degree in Usui Reiki. I enjoyed learning this healing modality but never felt totally connected to it. Now I am embarking upon first attunement in Star Healing Intergalactic Energy™ with Kelly Hampton. I feel privileged to have been guided to do so. I feel the time is right for me and undergoing healing myself genuinely believe this is to be my life’s turning point whereby I begin to fulfill my life’s mission during this lifetime. — Lisa Watson, Certified Practitioner in First Attunements, Sunderland, Northeast of England, UK
As my training to become a certified Star Healing practitioner approaches its end, I would like to take the opportunity to thank you for this wonderful program. Never has a teacher been so available and almost all the time ready for me, for my needs and my questions. I would like to let every aspirant know, what a skillful and engaged teacher you are. You taught not only the techniques, but you conveyed in an authentic and inspiring way, your love and appreciation for this new, special healing method and its creator, Archangel Michael. I truly wish that many people sense the profound uniqueness of this opportunity to accessing and learning the Star Healing Intergalactic Energy TM Method, especially in this easy online way. Again, thank you, Kelly —Ellen Simon, Certified Practitioner in First Attunements, CA, USA
I have studied and experienced many healing modalities before Star Healing Intergalactic Energy™. I was interested in trying something new and I felt guided to learn a different method of energy healing. I am excited to offer Star Healing Intergalactic Energy™ work and services to others. Thank you Kelly for providing me with the opportunity to become a certified practitioner! — Naseem Hajizadeh, Certified Practitioner in First and Second Attunement, USA
The main reason I became a Certified Practitioner of the Star Healing Intergalactic Energy™ Method was the desire to make such a powerful and effective method more attainable to others. I have obtained extraordinary testimonials from clients, which provides a great sense of divine joy. Thank you so much Kelly and Archangel Michael. — Lucero Tello, Certified Practitioner in First and Second Attunements, Fla. USA
Star Healing Intergalactic Energy™ is unlike traditional healing modalities currently used because it draws on the Celestial, Angelic and Pleiadian (Great Central Sun) energies. It is exciting and new. I am proud to be one of the first trained practitioners in the world! — Leanne Jarvis, Certified Practitioner in First and Second Attunements, UK. In training for Star Healing Intergalactic Energy™ for Small Animals as well as Equines. Application pending to teach Star Healing Intergalactic Energy TM within the UK.
I am blessed to be able to serve as a conduit for this wonderful healing practice, an upgrade to the Reiki work I have practiced for 14 years. Assisting in healing and raising the vibratory frequency of each and any being elevates the energy of the entire world. Celestial beings accompany us on this Sacred Path of enlightenment and sharing. — Catherine Corgono, Certified Practitioner in First and Second Attunements, USA. And Ascended Spaces TM, Ascension Home Attunement
Catherine Cogorno describes her experience as a certified practitioner in first attunements
The Pleiadians and at least 14 other Star Councils will do the healing work at the speed of light through the Galactic Center, to activate our Christed DNA Templates.
During the session my entire body was overcome with an overwhelming peace and calm that was extra- ordinarily beautiful. It was as though every cell in my body became energetically crystalline. The sensation I can only liken to making gelatin. When you mix a powdery substance it is whitish and pink (like strawberry jello) then the water is mixed in and as it is merging with the water and being mixed and stirred the color becomes clear and no longer pink but a red. The merging becomes clear, refined and shiny, I suppose to what we will be in our crystalline bodies. My body was very calm. This has been a powerful healing and I have not experienced anything quite like this. You are an amazing and powerful healer. Thank you. — Tisha S. Certified Star Healing Practitioner First Attunement, Star Healing for Small Animals Practitioner
I will tell you that I feel SOOOO much more at peace, that the heaviness in my chest area from unhappiness has all but gone. I think I’ve turned a corner in my feelings and am much less feeling like a rowboat adrift on a churning sea. I am back to feeling optimism, which is so nice and my stomach issues are gone! —Love, Paula, CA.
Almost immediately I experienced improved vision—to the point where my contacts are no longer beneficial to me, as they are too strong! –JoAnne Gallagher
Five days after only half of my session of Star Healing, I can see out of my eye again! There has always been a square in it while I am driving. Now it’s gone. Amazing! Thank you, thank you! — Gretchen Cook
Thank you so very much for the most wonderful and amazing experience…I had with you. I have never ever experienced anything like it ever before. The Pleiadian energy I experienced through you was indescribable, I was flooded with a love, peace and joy which permeated my very being. I loved the way you shared what you were doing with me. During the healing you were inspired to raise your hands, in doing so you took me higher and higher, I felt safe and loved totally. The frequency made my whole body and self tingle and tremble as I was flooded with even more peace and calm, there was no stress in my body. You were guided to raise your hands even higher which you did very slowly and gently and I found myself in the heart of the huge and vast Galaxy in the middle of what can only be described as an explosion of stars. It was intensely blue and the stars so bright, some huge, some near, all sizes and millions and millions were like dots. Kelly the experience with you of Star Healing has been the most profound experience of my entire life. I thank you for all you so tirelessly do with all my heart and soul. What you do is priceless and beyond words. I am humbled and privileged to have had this opportunity to find out who I am my purpose and where I am going. I have experienced many healing experiences in my 65 years but never ever anything like this. It has changed me forever and given me understanding of my purpose. — Christine, UK
I noticed an overall sense almost immediately of calmness and that has continued. The sense of being lighter is there also. The main change has been no back pain. I also notice changes in my eyesight. I can see better without my glasses for up close work. I sleep very deeply now and have had some really great dreams. I am more tuned into my spirit – I waken in the night with the sound of a bell or a book dropping and I am aware it is time to pray. I am aware of being thankful and just don’t really know how to express the peace. That is great because as I said I am sleeping so deeply and not tormented. — Nance DeMay
One major thing is that our granddaughter’s left eye would stray to the outside for which she was wearing corrective glasses. She actually liked her glasses but the other day she said they were feeling like they were too strong. I said to stop wearing them and see how she felt. She has not put them back on and neither she nor I notice her eye straying anymore! This is really fantastic, as the next step would be surgery! She is also much happier. — Merillee, Ca
I saw them downloading healing number codes into my brain to enhance my focus and I.Q. — Michael, H. USA
I have not had a problem with is the Restless Leg Syndrome. I have not had to take any of my medication. It is such a relief not to have my legs in such discomfort anymore! The spinal stenos is in my lower back, on a scale of 1 to 10, is at a 5. The constant pain is not as bothersome as it was. There is still some pain but not like it has been for almost 20 years. The constant burning, tingling, and pins and needles sensation in both my feet are better. My toes and feet are getting the feelings back in them. Being numb for so long, it feels good to be able to touch my toes and actually feel that touch again! I have found myself to be not so judgmental of people since having my attunement. I smile a lot more at people as I pass by. I have even found myself talking to strangers if only to ask them a question. I would not have done this a few months ago! Thank you! — Catherine W.
During my session I heard the light beings make healing tones to detoxify my various internal organs. What a blessing! — Samatha Catskey, Australia
"My soul theme is healer/teacher. As an advanced channel I work with various sources.”
As a child, I recall seeing the face of Christ appear in a glass of water and of being visited frequently at night by something I would call “the monster.” Years later, I have come to know those energy visits as loving and welcoming from my Star Family. In 2003, Archangel Michael presented me with the first channeled information after awakening me in the middle of the night which became, “Into the White Light: The Revelations of Archangel Michael” which has become known throughout the world. Ascended Master Jesus, representing pure love, “Christ consciousness” has appeared many times over the years as well to present many lessons, including humbleness. Since then, many other Ascended Masters including the Blessed Mother, Mary Magdalene, Saint Germain, Saints, animals, guides, other angels, Christed extraterrestrials have come to me, to guide me as I guide you.
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