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2012 and Beyond: Testimonials


2012 and Beyond: Testimonials

Reading it made me change the way I look at my life …

After reading the first chapter I am even more intrigued and amazed with the information provided by Archangel Michael! Reading it made me change the way that I look at my life and how much more I can do to make a difference here on Mother Earth. The information makes me want to educate other people to be more loving, compassionate, and non-judgmental.

I am truly amazed!

I want to thank Archangel Michael for sharing this with all of us and also Kelly for doing the amazing work that she does each and every day! Kelly has been a great teacher to me. Many thanks and I am truly amazed!

It feels so spiritual.

You are an angel from God above.

It’s so insightful!

“I love this chapter. It’s so insightful! Thank you Kelly and AA Michael!”

-Mary, a reader

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